CHAPTER 7-The General, The Apprentice, and The Force

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Within the heart of Union is a massive tower that holds the Three Headmasters of Union and other Leadership of Union's inner circle and Army. All the corrupt officials that made Union the way it was spent most of their time here. Sometimes they never leave the Academy. Recently, they've been focused on this like dealing with the numerous Rebel Cells such as The Outlaws, The White Fang and Night Raid. But for the most part, the world thinks that Union is invincible.

The public thinks that Union is unstoppable and an absolute titan that'll never fall. This is the image Union forced upon the world. But a certain United Forces General is concerned that this image might be in jeopardy. This man is General Ironwood. It didn't take Union long to learn of the missing Slave Shipment, so they sent a team to recover the train. But when they arrived, the train was empty and destroyed.

As if something blew it up. This confused him as the White Fang doesn't possess explosives powerful enough to decimate an entire train. The Outlaws sure don't since they function as a Bandit group and typically do hit and runs. He had considered talking about this to the headmasters and other Generals. But decided against it since it was HIS men on that train.

So, he'll send reinforcements to the Mine that the train was supposed to arrive at. But since the train has been destroyed. It's only a matter of time before the mine is next. However, he knows one thing. Whoever did this is a Rebel Faction. He at first figured one of the Nation's that haven't joined Union. But he doubts they have the guts to even attempt it. Ironwood sits in his office looking at a holographic screen before his door opens. He turned off the hologram and looked at the person who entered his office.

Winter Schnee. One of his best Specialists.

Winter: "Sir." she greets, calmly.

Ironwood: "Winter. I take it this is about the train?" he asks.

Winter: "Yes sir."

Ironwood: "I'm taking care of it." he said, reassuringly.

Winter: "Sir.... the Headmasters will need to be told of this." she said.

Ironwood: "no." he said, shocking Winter. "What they don't know, won't hurt them. Besides, I don't find it necessary. I've sent reinforcements to the Mine incase of another Attack." he informed.

Winter: "But sir, if this is Night Raid. Then simple Soldier's won't cut it." she said.

Ironwood: "You suggest I bring in the Ace Ops?" he asks.

Winter: "No, I suggest we contact General Esdeath. She has experience in stomping out Rebel groups like Night Raid." she suggested.

Ironwood: "Esdeath doesn't need to know anything about this incident. You are to file a report as a typical White Fang Raid and leave it at that. The headmasters will shrug it off allowing us to continue to pursue this group. But if it's a new Rebel Faction. I want more information before telling them." he explained, denying her suggestion.

Winter looked on silently. Ironwood clasps his hands together and placed them on his desk.

Ironwood: "Am I understood?" he asks, narrowing his eyes at her.

Winter nods.

Winter: "Crystal, sir."

Ironwood smiles.

Ironwood: "Good. You're dismissed." he said.

Winter nods and takes her leave. As she left the room, she thought about how dumb the plan was. If it was a new Rebel Group they'll need to notify General Esdeath and the other military leaders so they'll be on the look out. Not keeping it isolated. She sighs once she left the room. With the door shut, she looked around before heading to leave the building.

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