CHAPTER 23-Battle of Bingham Part 1

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(Y/n), Akame, Sheele and Lubbock made their way outside of the building that they snuck into. The others were heading for the Artillery Guns. Once outside, (Y/n) looked around for the Dish that controls the AA Guns, but fortunately, Lubbock spots it.

Lubbock: "I see the Dish."

(Y/n) looked in the direction the green haired assassin was looking. He saw the dish. It was on top of a building and was heavily guarded. He motions for them to follow him as he has an idea on how to get inside the building. The team hugs the wall as they find ways to sneak towards it. It'll be a good walk before they reach the building since this Fortress is like a small city. (Y/n) motions of them to stay put as a truck passes them. Once it passed, (Y/n) looked around before sprinting at full speed to get across the street. Once on the other side, he hid in between two buildings. He gestures for them to come over. Each member of this team quickly rushed over before anyone could see them.

The two buildings they were hiding between looked like prison buildings.

Sheele: "I think we found where the Slaves are being kept." she said.

(Y/n): "No, these are barracks." he said, looking at them.

Lubbock: "he's right. Prison buildings don't look this nice." he adds.

(Y/n): "Let's focus on this later. Those Guns are our top priority." he reminds before the team presses on.

They sneak through the base as they get closer and closer to the building controlling the AA Guns. As they walk towards the street. (Y/n) looks around and then up at the building. A number of soldiers stood guard on the roof top near the Dish. But he had an idea. He looked to the right and saw a car parked beside a building next to the building they needed to go into. He reaches his hand out and uses the Force to cause the engine to break and cause a lot of noise. This distraction gets the roof guards attention as well as a few more. With the opening now present, he and the team quickly rush towards the building and get up to the front entrance.

(Y/n) uses the force on the mechanism and the door opens. Two Soldiers were on the other side, but he quickly pushed them into the wall with the Force. They hit the wall hard and were knocked out. The group moves inside before the doors shut on their own.

Sheele: "That was close." she comments.

(Y/n): "Too close." he adds. "Hide the bodies and let's move."

The team manages to hide the bodies and continues to sneak through the building. However, they hit a snag. As they turn the corner, they notice a lot of UF Soldier's in the hall. They soldiers turned their heads and saw them. They quickly aimed their guns at them but were all flung up to the ceiling by (Y/n) who then slammed them down hard. He grabs his lightsaber and moves down the hall. The soldiers that weren't knocked out were cut down by (Y/n) with his lightsaber. Down the hall was an elevator that three of the soldiers were by. They get up and try to aim their guns but the guns are pulled out of their grasps by (Y/n).

The one closest to the elevator presses the button rapidly in attempts to get it to arrive quicker. (Y/n) approaches and slashed at both the right and left soldiers killing them both before he thrusted his saber forward and impaled the third one into the elevator door. He turned his saber off and the trooper fell forward. As the body hits the floor, the elevator opens. He then looked at the three members of Night Raid and gestured for them to get in.

The team gets inside the elevator and heads to the very top floor. As they go up floors, (Y/n) is contacted on coms.

Najenda(COMS): "(Y/n)? What's your status?" she asks.

(Y/n) puts his fingers on the side of his helmet.

(Y/n): "Ascending the building controlling the AA Guns. We've split up into two teams and went for different targets. Bulat, Nura, Mine and Leone are handling the Artillery Guns while me, Akame, Lubbock and Sheele are dealing with the AA Guns." he explains.

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