CHAPTER 12-Escalation!

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After dealing with the United Forces on Menagerie and saving Ghira. More Menagerie guards showed up and helped clean up the bodies of the dead UF Soldiers. Commando Droid's did help the guards with searching the city for any more UF Soldier's that might have escaped. Ghira was patched up by medical personnel on the island while in his office. (Y/n) stood in the office with Ghira, two Menagerie guards, and two Commando Droid's. Once the Faunus doc was finished with Ghira's shoulder, he stepped away from the chieftain who was sitting at his desk.

Ghira: "I, never got to properly thank you, Admiral." he said, calmly, still a little shaken by the battle that had occurred.

(Y/n): "There is no need for thanks, Chieftain." he states. "I was already on my way to speak of peace between my group and Menagerie."

Ghira: "Group?" he asks.

(Y/n): "I'm building a Rebel movement to go against Union. A more Militaristic Rebel movement with the goal of bringing down Union once and for all." he explains.

Ghira: "You honestly believe you can face the full might of Union?" he asks, sternly. "Whenever a rebel faction rises, The UIB neutralizes it before it becomes a massive threat. That's why the White Fang can only operate as split divisions. UIB Agents have been thwarting many White Fang plans at a large-scale deployment. If you really believe you have the numbers to face Union, then you're sorely mistaken." he explained. "Your forces may be able to gun down Soldiers, but once you gain the attention of the UIB, your movement will be stopped in its tracks."

(Y/n) just stared at him silently, his helmet now allowing Ghira to see his expression. (Y/n) reached up and grabbed his helmet. A brief hiss from the helmet is heard before (Y/n) removed it from his head. As he removed the helmet, Ghira was surprised to see his appearance. He thought he was a Faunus since his helmet had horns on it. (Y/n) holds his helmet under his arm as he looks at Ghira.

(Y/n): "If I stop now and give up. Who's going to bring Union down?" he asks, calmly. "Besides, I'm not doing this alone. I will rally all Rebel Cells to my cause. Separated, we are ineffective and unorganized. But United as one, we can take on a force twice our size."

Ghira: "Why are you even doing this?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Because I'd rather lead a Revolution then let someone else fuck up the world even more." he mumbled loud enough for Ghira to hear.

Based on his tone, Ghira wondered if he had experienced the hardships of this world at full force. Considering it's best to lead by experience than example. He witnessed the corruption of the world firsthand when he was young, it led him to forming the White Fang. Ghira knows the atrocities The Union has committed. Ghira looked at the Commando Droids that stood guard in the room. They didn't appear to be of Union design. So, he's curious as to where they came from. A new question appears in his mind.

Ghira: "Why come to Menagerie now? If you've been around for a while, you could've come sooner." he asks.

(Y/n): "Truth be told. This movement of mine is only 3 Weeks old. At the moment I have rallied Night Raid along with the survivors of two villages to my side as well as I hope The Peace Faction." he said.

Ghira: "you hope?"

(Y/n): "It's still pending." he sheepishly admits.

Ghira raised a questioning eyebrow. (Y/n) got nervous as he wasn't good at politics. That and he hates Politics. Ghira lets out a quiet sigh.

Ghira: "I will, think about it." he said, an ounce of uncertainty in his voice. "I do not wish for my people to be dragged into something that will bring more harm to them, but I know Union needs to be brought down. I just need more time and my people's opinion."

(Y/n): "I respect that. Thinking about your people before your own interests." he said. "But, whenever you do come to a decision, all you need to do is contact me."

Ghira: "How could I do that?" he asks.

(Y/n): "I will leave behind a squad of Commando Droid's to both contact me on your decision and in case of a Union counterattack." he replies.

Ghira: "Why are you being so kind to me? To Faunus." he asks, a question that's been on his head since they started talking.

(Y/n): "Division solves nothing, if we truly wish to prosper than we must all take part in it." he explained, calmly.

{United Forces Airbase, Mistral}

Dolion and Ervar stepped off a large plane that had dropped them off at the UF Airbase in Mistral where the 19th is stationed. As they walked out of the plane, they saw all the Soldiers within the base going around with their daily duties. The duo looked around before they saw three UF Soldier's walking towards them. One of them was a Captain based on his armor's red accent.

UF Captain: "Are you two Dolion Louis and Ervar Aelius?" he asks.

Dolion: "yes sir." he said, nodding.

UF Captain: "right on time. Both of you." he said.

Ervar: "What's that Captain?" he asks.

UF Captain: "Scouts from the 5th Recon Regiment has informed us about a Rebel Hold Out in the mountains. A Nearby village has gone silent so we're moving for the Village first to investigate. Get your stuff into your barracks and gear up cause we're moving out." he orders.

Ervar/Dolion: "yes sir." they said while saluting before they marched off towards the barracks to get ready up.

The captain and his two soldiers move to join the armored vehicles that were being equipped with Machine guns and Grenade Launchers. As they did, a UF Gunship flew overhead.

(Should I make a Bio for the United Forces?)

{Fort Bingham}

Marvin Turner was in his office doing necessary paperwork such as daily reports and what now. As he read the daily reports for the fortress, an Officer walks into his office. He looked up from the paper he held and put it down seeing the officer walking towards him.

Marvin: "this better be good." he said, not exactly appreciating the interruption.

The officer gulps nervously as he stands at attention.

Marvin: "Well? Get on with it!" he barks, not liking his time being wasted.

UF Officer: "The Airship you sent to Menagerie.... has been destroyed." he reports, nervously.

Marvin: "Destroyed?" he asks. "By whom?" he asks, again, angrily.

UF Officer: "W-We don't know." he replied.

Marvin shot up from his chair with a furious look.

Marvin: "What do you mean you DONT KNOW!!" he yells.

UF Officer: "i-it could have been a White Fang Ambush." he theorizes nervously.

Marvin growled.

Marvin: "The White Fang do not possess the means to decimate an entire Airship that was accompanied by an entire force of Soldiers." he explains. "How the hell was it destroyed?"

The Officer hesitates as he couldn't find the words to save his skin. A gun shot is heard, and the officer's body hits the floor as Marvin had a gun aimed at him. The barrel smoking. The door burst open as two UF Soldiers raised their rifles. They see the officer on the ground and lower their weapons and look at Marvin who looked at them.

Marvin: "Notify a nearby security Fleet about Menagerie. Tell them to burn that island to the ground." he orders.

The soldiers nod before they rush off to relay the order. Marvin holsters his gun and sits down in his chair with an exhale to calm himself down. The animals want to fight back, he'll give them a fight. However, he was oblivious to the real perpetrator behind the Airship's destruction. He's also oblivious to (Y/n) and his Droid Army. A War is about to start, and Menagerie is going to be the starting line. 

This Chapter was shorter for a reason. a good reason. The Slave Liberation Arc has been renamed to The Bingham Campaign Arc.

also, should we create a Bio for The United Forces?

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