CHAPTER 29-After Shock

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After capturing Fort Bingham, Droid/Faunus Forces began extracting the captured slaves to Menagerie. The Fleet of Absolute Resilience had to send other transport as The Risk had suffered severe damage. The captured UF Soldiers were the last ones to leave. The White Fang Guards even let some of the slave's insult, hit and bad mouth the UF Soldiers to get it out of their systems. The Droids of course didn't let them beat the prisoners as that would be a War Crime and these Droids were reprogramed to prevent War Crimes from being broken. (Y/n) had received needed medical attention as he had a broken arm and a few bruises on his body as well as a couple fractures on his spine. So, he was put into a bacta tank onboard The Bold which was the only warship that suffered light damage. Najenda oversaw evacuation efforts while Sienna made sure no UF Soldiers escaped captivity. Things were looking good for them, Union on the other hand, not so much.

{Union Academy, Unity City, sometime later}

General James Ironwood stood before all three Headmasters. He called them, requesting an audience as he had something to report. One of their surveillance drones picked up the Battle happening in Bingham. He saw the UF Soldiers surrendering and flags of Union being torn down. Fort Bingham had Fallen. He also witnessed the Death of Marvin Turner and Kiefer Holbach. The destruction of Fort Bingham and death of two high ranking officials could not be covered up. So he had to come clean.

Ozpin: "James. You wished to speak to us?" he asks.

Ironwood: "I have.... something to report." he said, grimly.

Sirzechs: "Is it perhaps your failure to defend Fort Bingham?" he asks.

Ironwood looked at him in shock.

Sirzechs: "I had some of my Devils nearby. They reported to me the minute the battle started and ended. Especially the fate of Commander Turner." he said, a hidden frustration pointed towards Ironwood.

Ironwood: "I didn't expect this rebel force to-"

Ozpin: "Grow out of control?" he asks. "James, Fort Bingham fell under your army for protection. The Fortress has fallen, and you were nowhere to be seen on the Battlefield. Not only did we lose an entire Fleet, but we also lost thousands of soldiers to these rebels."

Sirzechs: "Your inability to cooperate with Marvin cost us our strongest fortress. Add the fact that your men are by far some off the weakest of the Military." he scolds.

Ironwood: "Sirs, if I had known and had time to prepare-"

Nezu: "What would've changed? You dying on the frontline?" he asks. "Your forces have always been incompetent, and you've done nothing to change that."

Ironwood stood in silence.

Ozpin: "Add the fact that Marvin was one of our best Commanders, and I'd imagine his previous commanding officer isn't too happy." he said.

Ironwood straightens himself up before he asks a question.

Ironwood: "What do you wish for me to do?" he asks.

Sirzechs: "For you to remain here. It's clear your not capable of dealing with rebels." he said. "I believe General Esdeath can take things from here, considering you got her top Commander killed."

Ironwood: "Headmasters please reconsider." he pleas.

???: "Oh, don't worry James." a feminine voice says.

Ironwood slowly turns around to see a familiar blue-haired General. The United Forces Strongest General and the most brutal of Generals. Responsible for quelling rebellions in Europe and North America. General Esdeath.

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