CHAPTER 51-2nd Battle of Menagerie: Admiral Vs General

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The air was tense as both powerful Military Commanders stood across from each other. A Veteran of the Clone Wars up against a Sadistic General who's crushed numerous rebellions across the globe. Neither opponent was moving an inch. Esdeath's hair moved in synergy with the wind as (Y/n) stood across from her. The slight movement of leaves on the ground near (Y/n) was the only real sign of movement. Suddenly, his cape drops to the ground below as (Y/n) had used the force to remove it. Esdeath saw this and suddenly charged at him and he returned the favor. They ran at each other and clashed blades when they met in the middle. (Y/n) was surprised that her Rapier was able to withstand his Lightsaber. Must be some special kind of metal.

(Y/n) recovered from the first clash and swung his sword horizontally. Esdeath stepped back to dodge it before she thrusts her rapier to try and stab (Y/n) who turned around and dodged it, he grabbed the blade and kicked backwards. This disarmed Esdeath as (Y/n) turned back around and tossed the weapon aside as Esdeath had stepped back to gain some distance from the Force User. Esdeath knew she had to take him seriously. Considering the killing intent, she felt earlier. So, she uses her Imperial Arms and calls forth a large spike column to shoot up from the ground that was first covered in frost before the spikes of Ice appeared. (Y/n) leaped back a great distance to dodge this but Esdeath sent an even bigger column of ice at him. To counter this, (Y/n) built up the force in his hand and threw his hand forward. Letting out a powerful Force Push that broke the column of ice that came at him. He lands on his feet and prepares his Lightsaber as he uses Force Speed to quickly rush at Esdeath. He thrusted his saber forward but to his shock, she dodged it. Under his helmet, his eyes widened a little. Not a lot of people have dodged that before. But he didn't let his shock control him as he quickly moved his hands on the hilt and slashed to the left where Esdeath was. But she ducked under it. When she stood back up, she punched upwards and struck (Y/n) in the jaw. Thankfully his helmet took the brunt of the impact, and it wasn't much. He grabbed her arm and quickly turned and hurled her over his shoulder and slammed her onto the ground. He was then blasted by Ice from Esdeath that made him stumble back as the ice covered his head and shoulders. Esdeath stood up and rushed over towards her rapier. (Y/n) uses the force to free himself from the ice prison, breaking it off his body. He turned and charged Esdeath, who grabbed her rapier.

She slashed behind her and parried (Y/n)'s strike. She stood up and the two went to strike each other again but parried each other. This continued on before (Y/n) pushed her back using the Force. He charged her and went to slash at her but she blocked it with her weapon.

Away from this battle, the group was moving the civilians away. Luna looked back numerous times, worried about (Y/n). She just hoped that someone could help him, if anyone would even hear her thoughts.

Back at the battle, (Y/n) weaved around the blade of Esdeath and punched her in the face making her stumble back but (Y/n) used the Force to lift her up and throw her back a good distance. Esdeath crashes into the ground but flipped around and landed on her feet. She smiles towards (Y/n) before using her powers to create a large array of ice projectiles around her. (Y/n)'s eyes widened seeing this. With a simple wave of the hand, she launched the barrage of ice projectiles at him. (Y/n)'s wide eyes then merged with a smile under his helmet.

(Y/n): (heh, idiot)

He turned off his lightsaber and clipped it to his belt before abruptly throwing his hands up, stopping all the projectiles, stopping them in place. Esdeath's eyes widened briefly.

(Y/n): "Thanks for the bullets." he said before turning the projectiles on their creator. "They'll do nicely."

Using the Force, he launched the projectiles back at Esdeath who brought up a Wall of Ice to protect her from the barrage she made. She grits her teeth at this, but her scowl turned into a grin as she got an idea. If his power is like Telekinesis, how about she puts it to the test? Using her powers, she made a large ball of Ice above her and threw it at (Y/n). The Ex-Sith saw this and used both hands to destroy it with the Force. The ball cracked towards the front before it reached him and shattered into pieces, but (Y/n) made a big mistake. He knew this as he felt something slash across his chest.

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