CHAPTER 28-Battle of Bingham Part 6: Duel

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Both warriors stood across from one another in their respective battle stances. With their faces covered by helmets, it was hard to tell who was planning to strike first so both combatants were being very patient. Marvin knows when to strike and how to strike. But he's never really fought a Rebel leader. His former General always made it look easy because of her powers. But his powers are impressive as well, and he'll put them to use alongside his power armor.

Marvin's hard light empowered sword illuminated his armor with a shade of blue while (Y/n)'s lightsaber illuminated him with a white light. The dead silence shared between the two is eventually broken by Marvin who charges the admiral with a war cry. (Y/n) charges Marvin. The two of them bring their weapons up and slash them at each other. Both blades clash in the middle but bounce off each other. (Y/n) quickly followed up by arcing around his saber and slashing down at Marvin who blocks it with his sword. They entered a brief blade lock where (Y/n) was pushing Marvin back a little before Marvin moved one hand away from his sword and activated the Gravity Gauntlet. He then punched (Y/n) sending him back.

(Y/n) stopped himself with the Force and saw Marvin's blade glow. Marvin then slashes three times sending Arc's of energy at him in quick succession. (Y/n) slashed right to deflect the first one, then left to deflect the second one before spinning around and slashing downwards to deflect the last one.

Marvin: "I'm impressed you deflected those attacks. That hard-light sword of yours must be of high level." he comments.

(Y/n): "This is a Lightsaber. Not a Hard-Light Sword, and nothing can break through this weapon. Trust me, I've tested it myself." he explains.

Marvin: "That so? Then let's see just how strong your weapon is!" he declares before thrusters appear out of the back of his armor.

He blasts off towards (Y/n) at high speeds. (Y/n) quickly dashed out of the way using Force Speed. Marvin hits the wall behind (Y/n) with his sword and notices he missed. He rips his sword out while raising it above him and arcing it around towards the ground, sending another Arc of Energy at him. (Y/n) ducks to the right while his left-hand crackles with lighting before he unleashes a barrage of Force Lightning at Marvin.

Marvin's eyes widened under the helmet before he brought his sword in front of him in efforts to block the lightning. The Lightning hits his sword and molds around the blade before striking his hands. It then goes up his arms as the Force Lightning begins to shock him. (Y/n) turns his lightsaber off and puts it away quickly before releasing another barrage of Force Lightning from his other hand. Marvin is electrocuted by (Y/n) and lets out a pained yell which turns into an angered one as he snaps a glare at (Y/n) through his helmet. While being electrocuted, he drops his sword and activates his gravity gauntlets while raising them above his head. He brings them down and lets out a small shockwave from both gauntlets, forcing the lightning off his body. His thrusters then activate as he charges (Y/n).

(Y/n) is briefly surprised by this but is punched by Marvin who launched him across the chamber. He crashes into the wall which cracked it a little. Marvin wasted no time and lunged up at him and punched the Sith in the gut and pins him to the wall.

Marvin: "Your rebellious actions end today!" he shouts.

(Y/n) put his hands on the wall and glared at the man through his helmets visor. He used the force to shatter the wall behind him before using the force to grab the biggest chunks of the wall and slam them onto Marvin, which freed him. He leaps off the wall and flips over Marvin before landing on the ground. He uses the force to grab his lightsaber and ignites the white blade. Marvin dropped onto the ground with pieces of the wall falling on top of him. He gets up and pushes the broken chunks off his armored body. He glares at (Y/n) who turns to face him.

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