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The trip was silent as they walked back to Kuo Kuana. The Battle Droids ensured that Fumikage and Hawks didn't do anything stupid, and the Menagerie Guards protected Blake. They know she can hold her own in combat, but they're guarding her to make sure those two Quirk users don't do anything stupid and don't try to harm her. Ever since the CRS formed, (Y/n) and Ghira made many protocols should anyone not native to Menagerie arrive. Any Empowered people are immediately arrested upon first sight as a precautionary measure considering that Union has a surplus of Empowered people. Any Pro Hero, Huntsmen, Devil, Fallen Angels, Imperial Arms wielder or Sacred Gear holder is arrested on sight. All security protocols to ensure the safety of Menagerie and its inhabitants. Especially any Rebel Forces on the continent.

As the group gets closer and closer, Blake takes notice of the set-up camp system across the outskirts of Kuo Kuana. It mainly houses the rescued slaves that were saved from Fort Bingham while a separate section was dedicated to the prisoners of war captured during the Battle of Menagerie and the Battle of Bingham. Blake was shocked to see the amount of United Forces POW's being housed here. Droids guarded them to ensure they didn't try to escape. If they did, they would be zapped. They walk through the camp and many of the rescued slaves in the camps give nasty glares to Hawks, he's a Pro Hero and they see him as a Unioner. The people who took everything from them. Their homes, their families, their lively hoods, everything. Hawks ignored the hateful glares being given to him, but Fumikage didn't like them.

He was still wearing his Union Academy Uniform which got even nastier looks and hateful glares from the civilians around them. He felt alienated. They passed through the camps and reached the actual City. As they marched down the streets, Blake was shocked to see a lot of White Fang members alongside these Droids working together. She heard a Vulture Droid pair zip past over head heading to the mountain behind the city which is where she finally took notice of the Munificent Star Frigate above. She didn't really notice the massive ship in the sky because her eyes weren't glued to the skies. The starship hovered above the mountains of Menagerie with various fighters fly to or away from it. This was the designated ship to defend Menagerie. Ghira named it The Lion's Den.

She was just in shock and awe at the ship, the droids and vulture fighters. So much had changed. They reached a checkpoint and Blake is separated from Hawks and Fumikage.

Blake: "Wait where are you taking them?" she asks.

Droid: "Somewhere to be questioned." he replies. "Don't hate me, it's just protocol."

The Faunus was about to argue for her friends freedom but saw a series of Commando Droids clearing the area. All the civilians, Droids, White Fang Soldiers and Menagerie Guards stepped away. This was when Blake saw a shuttle approaching. The shuttle makes a soft landing and allowed the ramp to touch the ground before opening up to allow the occupants to come out. (Y/n) is the first one to walk out, followed by Najenda, Luna, Jackson, Obi Wan and a few Commando Droids. One of the droids escorting Blake and the two Union traitors walked over to (Y/n) who immediately noticed the presence of the three as did Najenda who was on guard. Jackson noticed but didn't care, this was CRS business, not his.

Droid: "Sir, we've apprehended a pair of trespassers as well as the Chieftains Daughter on the far side of the island." he reports.

(Y/n): "That so?" he asks rhetorically. "Bring the Unioners into questioning, I'll have..." he paused, remembering he doesn't have Altus to interrogate them.

He sighed somberly.

(Y/n): "I'll talk to them later." he orders.

The droid nods and turned to the Union Traitors. He and a few other Droids take them away while (Y/n) turned his attention to Blake.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now