CHAPTER 9-False Prosperity

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Within The Capital of Union, a cloaked figure walks the streets. The same cloaked figure that was spying on Winter and Futaba. They had been both avoiding United Forces Personnel as well as all Police Forces. They're worried and scared of being found. The figure noticed that they were walking towards what the guessed was some kind of tavern/bar. They noticed a pair of UF Soldier's walking down the street so they hurried inside the bar. Once inside, they saw that it wasn't a bar. Though it had the appearance of one. It was also like a night club. Neat.

The cloaked figure looks around and walks to one of the booths to just sit and wait for the Soldiers to pass. As he walked towards a booth, a man at the bar was watching them. He held a drink in his hand as he looked over curiously. His overall appearance was different from the other civilians in the building. The man took one last drink before putting the cup down and walking over to this cloaked figure.

At the booth, the figure kept trying to hide their face incase anyone recognized them. They heard some footsteps approaching and got nervous.

???: "Never seen anyone like you around these parts before." a man said, he brandished a cowboy like accent.

The figure looked towards the man.

The man from the bar that was watching them walk in

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The man from the bar that was watching them walk in.

???: "What's your name?" he asks, calmly.

The figure doesn't respond. The cowboy looked around before taking a seat across from the cloaked figure.

???: "I mean no harm." he said, calmly. "I'm Jackson Black." He held a handout.

The cloaked figure looked at it before reaching forward and grabbing it.

Jackson: "Got a name?" he asked as they shook hands.

The figure let go of his hand and looked around.

???: "I'd.... prefer to not say." they said.

Jackson: "Fine by me." he said, shrugging it off like it's nothing. "but it seems like your trying to hide. Considering you never gave me your name." he said.

???: "You could say that." they said, nervously while looking around.

Jackson squints his eyes as he noticed a metal hilt on their hip in their cloak. The figure covered it quickly as they spotted Jackson looking at it. Jackson looked around before leaning forward, his elbows on his knees.

Jackson: "I know a few places you can hide out." he said, lowly. "To vanish from society."

This caught the figures attention.

Jackson: "that is, if you want to. Considering all the crap going on in Union." he said.

The figure kept a gaze on him.

(Slave Mine, Unknown Location)

Many United Forces Soldiers were stationed around the large mine. Many slaves scattered about doing what they're told. Some UF Guards had electrical batons and occasionally shocked the slaves either for punishment or for fun. Other soldiers had guns in hand. Assault Rifles or Non-Lethal Shotguns. The guards were also just as armored as the basic Soldier.

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