CHAPTER 4-Night Raid!

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(Y/n) and Altus had received the report from the Probe droid's that were near Night Raid's base. Knowing they found one of the Rebel Cells, (Y/n) himself decided to go to the base and meet with Night Raid personally. Before he went out to meet Night Raid, he ordered Altus to continue searching for the White Fang. (Y/n) was in a Sheathipede Class Transport Shuttle alongside a squad of Commando Droid's and a C-9979 Transport Craft. The reason he had an entire Battalion with him is in case The United Forces show up. That and in case Night Raid attacks him and his Droid's. Just in case.

With Night Raid, they were packing their things to find a new base. They weren't taking the chance that the Probe Droid was from a Rebel Faction and not Union. Najenda made sure they got everything, and they planned to destroy the base to hide any evidence of them being there. The team gathers outside once they have everything and Najenda did a quick head count.

Najenda: "Alright. We don't know how much time we have so I suggest we get moving. Are the charges set?" she asks.

Bulat nods.

Bulat: "All of them are placed around the foundations to bring this base down once we leave." he said.

Najenda: "Detonator?"

Leone: "Got it here boss!" she exclaims while holding it up into the air.

Leone then heard something.

Najenda: "Alright, let's hurry. We don't want to be spotted by The United Forces." she said.

Leone turns to her right and pales a little. She looked at Najenda.

Leone: "U-uh, boss?" she asks, nervously.

Najenda: "Yes?" she asks.

Leone: "How long were we packing?" she asks.

Najenda: "an Hour. Why?"

Leone: "I think they're here." she said, pointing to the right.

The group turned to Leone's right and saw the C-9979 Landing Craft descending not far from them as well as the Sheathipede Shuttle.

Lubbock: "Think we'll have time to run?" he asks.

Najenda: "Possibly. But I've never seen those type of airships in Union's Army." she comments, sternly looking at the landing craft.

Akame: "Maybe a new Military Unit?" she theorizes.

Najenda: "Maybe. Remain on guard, this could also be that Rebel Faction." she said as she remembered the Probe droid.

The C-9979 lands in the forest around the base and opened to allow many B1 and B2 Battle Droid's march out of the ship alongside two AAT Tanks. The small Droid Army marched towards Night Raid's base as the Sheathipede shuttle descended towards them. Night Raid readied themselves in case it was Union. The CIS Shuttle lands in front of the team. The ramp drops and a squad of Commando Droid's rush out and aim their blasters at the group.

Najenda quickly notes that the Droid's don't look like any UF Drone. Definitely not an Atlesian Knight. They look drastically different and have more variety compared to UF Drones. Night then soon sees (Y/n) step off the shuttle and walk towards them. He walks past the Commando's and stands in front of them. (Y/n) looks at the group before he decides to break the silence. The Small Droid Army was still marching towards them.

(Y/n): "I take it you lot are Night Raid?" he asks, calmly.

Najenda: "Who's asking?" She asks.

(Y/n) grabs his helmet and takes it off. He holds his helmet in his hands.

(Y/n): "Admiral (Y/n) (L/n) of the Confederacy." he greets.

Najenda: "Confederacy?" she asks.

(Y/n): "I'm not from this planet. Nor are my Droid's." he said.

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