CHAPTER 59-Operation Mimic

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Waiting in her cell is Esdeath herself. She was sitting down comfortably as she didn't have a care in the world. Wherever she is, it probably won't hold her for long. After all she has a powerful Imperial Arms that can freeze even the toughest metal. She can easily break out; she just needs to wait for the Rebel Leader and kill him. As she waits, she hears the door to her cell open so she turns her attention to it and sees a pair of Commando Droids with their blasters trained on her walking into the room. Once they were in, (Y/n) steps into the cell and stood behind the Commando Droids.

(Y/n): "I hope you realize I'm only keeping you alive because of your information." he claims, anger in his eyes.

He hasn't forgotten how she almost killed his daughter, Luna. Twice. He has deep seated anger, but he knows that her fate isn't his to decide. She's caused more pain to this Planet then she did to him. So, the Separatist States can decide what to do with her once they get their hands on her. Esdeath is humored by this claim.

Esdeath: "And what makes you think I'll just give you the information?" she asks. "After all, most of you rebels try to interrogate peacefully as to not prove your like Union. So why should I be worried?"

All she got was a smirk and a chuckle that surprised her a little. (Y/n) brought up his hand as it crackles with lightning.

(Y/n): "Oh I wouldn't compare me with the others." he declares. "You wanna know why?"

Lightning becomes more prominent on his hands as he smiles.

(Y/n): "I walked the path of Evil once before." he claims before launching a volley of Force Lightning at Esdeath.

Esdeath's whole body is being attacked by lightning as she tries to hold in her screams but can't help it and screamed in pain. After a brief surge of energy, (Y/n) stops the barrage. Esdeath's body shows visible marks from that lightning attack. She glares up at him.

(Y/n): "Now that I have your attention." he said. "I want to know everything about Union Academy and their leadership."

Esdeath just smiles.

Esdeath: "What's there to tell? Our nation is run by 3 Headmasters who've created a false Democracy to rule the people with their consent. All Union Academy has become is a place of brainwashing! To convince the younger generations to be loyal to Union only." she said, smiling crazily at him. "If I had won, that little girl of yours would be subjected to Union's torment. She would be punished for her crimes in any way I'd like!"

She then felt something on her throat and was being choked. She was lifted up into the air as she clawed at her throat. (Y/n) was Force choking her. He did not look happy.

(Y/n): "Any other smart remarks, General?" he asks, venomously.

She choked but tried to get a word out.

(Y/n): "Can't say I can hear you. Repeat it!" he orders.

Esdeath: "H-harder."

The atmosphere then suddenly changed dramatically.

(Y/n): "W-what!?!" he asks, letting go of the force choke in utter shock at what he had heard.

Now released she formed an ice pike and shoved it upwards, but it was slapped aside as she was forced back into the wall by the Force. (Y/n) shook his head.

(Y/n): "Really starting to think you deranged." he comments. "But no matter. I'm sure Altus can find a way to pluck the information out of you while I'm gone."

He then slams her back onto the wall, knocking her out before dropping her. He turned and walks out of the cell. The two Commando Droids followed him as they left the room. Once it was shut, (Y/n) got a shiver up his spine from what Esdeath said. What the hell is wrong with that woman? He snapped out of his gaze as he noticed Najenda approaching him.

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