CHAPTER 14-Battle of Menagerie Part 2

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After learning of the coming attack, the Menagerie Guard evacuated civilians while Droids ensured they're safety. Saber made sure enough Faunus were equipped with the E-5 Blasters so they could stand a better chance against the UF Ground Forces. While evacuations were underway, the Droids set up numerous defenses across the coast line and around Kuo Kuana. They managed to set up two Anti-Aircraft Gun Groups alongside several defense lines. Ghira's home was used as the Command Position for the defense. Ghira used his knowledge of the island to set up defenses with the equipment brought by the Droids. Saber made sure the civilians were far enough for Kuo Kuana before he returned to the front to take command of both the Menagerie Guard and Droid Forces. Many homes were turned into defense posts for ambushes. The Defenders fully intended to abuse their homefield advantage to the max in order to tip the battle in their favor. But what worried Ghira and Saber was the Fleet that was coming.

Speaking of the fleet, (Y/n) was on the Munificent Class Star Frigate that held it's position off the coast of Kuo Kuana. Tons of Vulture Droids stood on its hull and inside it's hanger. He was confident that his forces will be able to hold off the United Forces. But this is the first true battle between them. He intended it to be Fort Bingham, but it seems fate isn't his friend right now. He can't digress, so he's making sure all forces are accountable. The Tactical Droid on the bridge next to (Y/n) was looking at a datapad.

(Y/n) looks at him.

(Y/n): "Have any calculations?" he asks.

The droid looks at him.

Tactical droid: "I calculate our chance of victory is 98.7%." he replies.

(Y/n) raised an eyebrow.

(Y/n): "The other 1.3%?"

Tactical Droid: "Union's chance of Victory." he replied.

(Y/n) looks away from the droid and faced forward. He looked out the window of the bridge anticipating the battle. As he did, he noticed something in the distance. He then heard beeping and a droid working at a console turned to look at him.

Droid: "Sir, the enemy Fleet has entered our airspace!" He reports urgently.

(Y/n): "Are they in range?" he asks.

Droid: "Negative."

(Y/n): "Send in the fighters. Keep that Fleet away from Menagerie." he orders.

Droid: "Roger, Roger." he said before turning back to his duties.

Outside of the ship, the Vulture Droids receive their orders and jump off the hull of the ship and blast off towards the approaching UF Air Fleet. Other Fighters fly out of the hanger and go towards the approaching fleet. While this happened, the Starship held its position not wanting to risk its range advantage and closer proximity to Menagerie in case a ship slips past it. ((Y/n) made sure to alert the ground team that the attack was underway.

On the bridge of the UF York Class Frigate, Tersa hears the alarms on his ship go off. He brings up the radar and sees over a hundred Fighters coming towards his fleet. The deck officer rushes over.

Crew: "Sir! A large number of Unknown fighters are approaching." he reports.

Tersa: "Send our own then. Meet them halfway and keep them away from the Fleet. We'll need it intact if we are to capture those animals." he orders which gets a nod from the crewmen who walks off to give the order.

Outside, all of the F-22E and Volkan P37's suddenly blasts off towards the incoming fighters. They have no idea what they're getting into. As this happened, Tersa noticed the large ship in the distance beyond the approaching squadron of fighters. He narrows his eyes to the unknown vessel.

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