CHAPTER 48-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 2

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As he flew alongside the bombers to ensure their safety, (Y/n)'s gaze fell onto the Shield Vessel they planned to attack. Vulture Droids did their best to fend off any fighters dumb enough to pursue. But his eyes shifted towards the rest of the fleet in curiosity. His eyes land on the Command Ship, or well what they think is the Command Ship. The Washington Class Carrier. His focused shifted to a fighter that is now tailing him. He makes a sharp right turn before doing a risky maneuver by using his right facing momentum to push the fighter and turn it around completely. He did this by shutting off the engines while he sharply turned. The second his cannons lined up, he took the shot and destroyed the fighter as his ship spun back around before he turned the engines back on. He saw the bombers begin ascending to get over the barrier while they were being chased by F-22E Fighters. The Dogfight had managed to be pushed towards the enemy Fleet thanks to the UF Fighters being focused on preventing damage to the fleet instead of attacking the CRS Fleet.

This is something Esdeath notices quickly and isn't very happy to see.

Esdeath: "So, the rebels want to bring the fight directly to my forces?" she asks, rhetorically. "Tch, so be it. Liver, would you be a dear and inform some fighters to switch targets?" she orders.

Liver: "But, General. The Fleet will be exposed!" he warns.

Esdeath: "I said "Some fighters" not all the fighters." she corrects with a glare.

Liver: "oh, apologies, General." he said, apologetically for misunderstanding the order.

In the skies now above the enemy fleet, AA Guns lit up the skies towards the top of the Energy Field and got a good number of Bombers but some still made it over as did (Y/n)'s fighter. Four F-22E's were shot by Friendly AA Guns which caused the rest to disperse. The Droid Bombers dove down towards the Shield Vessel with the goal of taking it out but (Y/n) noticed something, he swerved right and went to turn around when he saw a small chunk of the enemy fighters regroup and turn around towards the CRS Fleet.

(Y/n): "Huh, don't think that's going to do a whole lot." he comments before he hears the Missile cruisers open up their silos and prepare to fire. "But that will."

He quickly gets on coms to alert Altus.

(Y/n): "Altus, you have a number of fighters and Volley of missiles coming your way." he warns.

Altus(HOLOGRAM): "Thanks for the heads up. I will inform the White Fang Bullheads that stayed behind. Hopefully they will be enough to stop the missiles." he said.

(Y/n): "I hope so too." he whispers. "Let Obi Wan Know that Kuo Kuana might get a rude awakening."

{Kuo Kuana, Menagerie}

By the coast, Obi Wan held a pair of binoculars as he watched the battle from the ground. Najenda was beside him doing the same but didn't use binoculars as she red lasers and gunfire was all she needed to know. Obi Wan's comlink lights up so he lowered the binocs and grabs his comlink.

Obi Wan: "Kenobi here."

Altus(COMS): "We have fighters and missiles incoming. I recommend pulling back our forces from the coast." he warns/suggested.

Obi Wan: "Affirmative." he said, ending the communication. "Can't believe I'm taking orders from a Droid." he mumbles.

Najenda: "Sulk later." she comments. "Everyone Fall back! We got missiles incoming!!" she shouts.

The White Fang and Droids in the area hear her and hastily turn and rushed away from the coast. Najenda ran to join them as she went to look for Night Raid. Obi Wan remained for a few moments before turning and walking away. But he stopped as he thought of something, he turns around and decided to stay by the coast. Najenda saw this and stopped.

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