CHAPTER 58-Conspiracy in Motion

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Onboard the Reclaimer of Independence, Altus had returned to the vessel a while ago. Seeing as this was his previous post before he uh...... blew up. Since it wasn't in his back up memory chip, he had to be informed about the day's events on how it happened. But considering the new body he got thanks to Markus; he must've been damaged greatly. He can worry about stuff like that later, He knows that (Y/n) is on his way and it is no doubt something important. As he thinks about (Y/n) and his arrival, he hears the blast doors to the bridge open up. He turns around and sees (Y/n) alongside Najenda, Obi Wan and Twilight. He turns around fully and silently nods at (Y/n).

Altus: "Admiral." he greets.

(Y/n): "Altus." he said, returning the gesture.

Altus turned to Twilight with curiosity.

Altus: "Who would this be?" he asks. "A new recruit?"

(Y/n): "No. He's from the Separatist States, and a plan has been made to weaken Union from the inside. All we need to do is contact someone to get inside the city." he explains. "Najenda, know anyone we can call?"

Najenda: "Only one." she replies. "Her name is Robyn Hill. She's a high-ranking member of the Huntsmen Division and is the leader of her own group of Huntresses. She could help us get inside of Unity City with her connections and status."

(Y/n): "Can we trust her?" he asks.

Najenda: "Robyn Hill supports the Peace Faction and I used to meet with her monthly to discuss current events and gain information from the Peace Faction. She's trustworthy." she responded.

(Y/n) shared a look with Obi Wan, silently asking for his opinion. Obi Wan was caressing his beard in thought before he noticed the gaze. No words needed to be exchanged as the look on the Admiral's face was all he needed. A simple nod is all he gave. The admiral then looks at Najenda.

(Y/n): "Get in contact with her and let me know where to meet her. Considering I'm going in alone, I should be the first to know." he orders.

Najenda nods and turns to walk out of the bridge. As she left, (Y/n) looked at Twilight. The agent was in awe as he looked out the window to see the large Droid Fleet. Each of the Starships made him awe struck as he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Real life Aliens. For years they always guessed they existed but.... they're real. Wait, if they're true. Then what really happened in Roswell?

{The Outlaw Base, Far Away from Unity City, Europe}

In the base of the Outlaws, Daniel was walking towards the edge of the base as a Shuttle lands. The back ramp of the shuttle drops and Jackson steps off. The cowboy was shocked at how fast he got here but Jackson figured that these ships were naturally faster than anything Humanity can produce on Earth. As he steps off the ship fully, the ramp returns into the ship and the shuttle quickly takes off. Jackson watched it leave before walking towards Daniel who walked towards him.

Daniel: "How'd it go?" he asks.

Jackson: "We're relocating."

Daniel paled.

Daniel: "Please tell me you didn't piss them off."

Jackson: "no... but I definitely pissed Najenda off." he says, calming his fears while walking past him.

Daniel turns as he watches Jackson off. He heard the sorrow in his tone when he mentioned Najenda. He then quickly follows him.

Daniel: "Where would we relocate to?" he asks.

Jackson: "Mistral. I know someone there who can help us find a place to lie low." he informs.

Daniel scowls. Jackson stopped and roughly grabbed his shoulders.

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