CHAPTER 40-Three Beasts

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A loud foghorn screams through the coastal town. The town was decently sized and housed people of all shapes and sizes. Faunus, Humans, Empowered and Powerless. One of the very few towns that are friendly to all kinds of people. It was also a coastal town that contained a boat that was large enough for long-distance travel. It was also the boat that Hawks planned to use to get Blake to Menagerie. The only real problem they're facing is the local Huntsmen that defend the town. They'll no doubt contact Union the minute they see Him or Blake. On the way to the town, they spotted various wanted posters and wanted signs for the two of them. Classifying them as Traitors. Fumikage has yet to be classified as one but his current innocence will be quickly diminished once Huntsmen see him helping two "traitors". So they had to be quiet and stealthy if they were to board the boat and reach Menagerie. The trio managed to get a pair of cloaks to hide their appearances, cliché but it worked.

Hawks walked down the docks looking at his phone. He had a scowl on his face as he discovered that the boat wouldn't be leaving till tomorrow. They have to hide out for an entire day till he can get Blake and Fumikage to safety. Whether or not the boat can even get close to the island is another question. Something he would worry about once they'd gotten close at least. Because if they are captured by the Rebels and taken to Menagerie, then it's a win regardless. But he needs to keep his guard up, so they aren't discovered by Huntsmen. He saw two of the Huntsmen coming his way, so he put his phone away and looked away from them. They walked right past him, and he quickly walked off to regroup with Blake and Fumikage. They were both hiding in some alleyway, waiting for Hawks to return. As he walked into the alleyway, the two revealed themselves to him. Coming out of the shadows, well, Fumikage stayed in the light for reasons.

Blake: "Well?" she asks.

Hawks: "The boat won't be leaving till tomorrow. There's a storm coming, and they want to make sure it won't impact boat traffic." he explains. "We're stuck here till tomorrow, but keep an eye out. Huntsmen are all over this town."

Fumikage: "We noticed." he comments. "So do we just stay in this dark alleyway?" he asks.

Hawks: "I would try to find an Inn in this town, but knowing that me and Blake are wanted. That'll be impossible. This town doesn't sympathize with Traitors." he explains.

Blake: "Then we keep moving and avoid Huntsmen patrols." she said.

Fumikage: "Easier said than done. I recognize the uniforms these Huntsmen are wearing; they work for the Security Force." he adds.

The Security Force is a branch of the United Forces solely focused on Defense and Security. As the name implies, the Security Force keeps things secured and in check. They protect the interests of Union such as protecting VIP's of valuable Corporations, acting as reinforcements for Pro Heroes or other Empowered people and being ready at a minutes notice incase of any Rebel activity. They hold the line until the Military can arrive. They are the Emergency Response Unit of the United Forces and United Police Department.

Blake: "Security Force? I'm not familiar." she asks, confusedly.

Hawks: "The Security Force is what the Headmasters are pushing to replace the United Police Department with. The Security Force was created to directly work alongside Pro Heroes and Huntsmen as well as protecting Union's interests such as the many Corporations that are headquartered in Union territory. Call them cops if you want, but The Security Force is equipped to help Pro Heroes. You can thank the Gen 2 Plan for their existence." he explains.

Blake: "Gen 2 Plan?"

Hawks: "I don't know much about it. all i know is that the Headmasters were the ones to petition it. But seeing all the upgrades the Military is getting and the creation of the Security Force. I think the Headmasters are preparing for War." he explains.

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