CHAPTER 25-Battle of Bingham Part 3

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With the wall Destroyed and a way in secured, Rebel Forces pushed through UF Lines to try and get into the base but where being held at the opening by the flooding numbers of UF Soldiers and Tanks. The HMP Droid Gunships were able to deal some support and clear up the area for them to advance into the Super Fortress. While gunfire and blaster fire were being exchanged, Najenda was beside an MTT as Droids and White Fang Soldiers shot at the defending United Forces. One White Fang Soldier to her right is shot in the chest and falls backwards onto the ground. The bullet hit them in the heart killing them immediately. Sienna was beside her and saw that.

Sienna: "We need to get inside the base before we lose to many, soldiers." she urges.

Najenda: "I know. We have to wait until the HMP Gunships come back to clear the path, or, we wait for (Y/n) and Night raid."

Sienna: "Why can't we call in another bombardment from the fleet?" she asks.

Najenda: "They have a fleet to take care of and to keep off our backs. So be thankful that Altus launched one in the first place." she said sternly.

Sienna reluctantly accepted this. She knew they couldn't argue as this was a battle. A REAL battle. This is the biggest battle the White Fang has been apart of. She was now wondering where Adam was. She saw the bull Faunus beside a tank before he put his Semblance to use and threw back kinetic energy that he built up from the bullets being fired at him. This does take down a number of UF Soldiers but more still arrive. This was going to be a very big problem.

{Prison Building, Fort Bingham}

United Forces kept shooting at Bulat and his team who had taken cover inside the prison building. Nura nearly got shot but she dodged in time.

Nura: "We're getting overrun!" she shouts before she returns to shooting at the enemy.

Leone: "No we're just getting a warm welcome." she said sarcastically.

Nura: "not helping!"

The team then spots a Tank rolling up to the building. Once it stops, it aims its main canon directly at the team. The team looked on with wide eyes.

Nura: "Well then..."

The Tank fires it's round but the shell is halted midair just before it hit the building. The UF Soldiers stopped shooting and lower their weapons in shock. Even the team inside the prison was surprised. That was until Nura looked towards the left and saw (Y/n) standing in the road with his hand aimed towards the tank. He then threw the shell back at the tank. The shell went right through the barrel and blew up from the inside out. This startles the UF Soldiers who then take notice of (Y/n) and his team. They aim their guns at them but one of them gets a spear to the face from Bulat who rushed the soldier and grabbed his spear before spinning it around and cutting down several other UF Soldiers. Leone ran out and joined in while Mine and Nura remained in cover. Akame and Sheele rushed at the soldiers while Lubbock ran for the prison building.

(Y/n) deflected bullets that came his way before he threw his saber at one soldier. The saber imbeds itself into their chest before (Y/n) recalls it to him and deflects another bullet. Four soldiers dropped their rifles and grabbed shock batons and charged him. (Y/n) turned his saber off and tossed it into the air. He weaved around the first attack before sending his knee into the soldier's stomach. He then caught the next soldier's baton before he kicked the first soldier, he had kneed in the gut aside and spun around while twisting the soldier's arm and then kicking them back. The next UF Soldier swung his baton horizontally at (Y/n) who leaned back before ducking under another attack and standing up while delivering an uppercut to their jaw. With his hand in the air, he catches his lightsaber and ignites it before slashing down killing the guard.

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