CHAPTER 75-Time to Plan

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Everyone was gathered in Ghira's office. Najenda had notified everyone of Jackson's return, and everyone figured it was important. Jackson hadn't said anything about the reason he's in Menagerie. The one's present in Ghira's office was Ghira, Sienna, Obi Wan, Najenda, Nomad, Twilight, Summer, Jackson and Raven. Jackson stood in front of everyone who had varying reactions to his presence. The one that wasn't happy to see him was Sienna for some reason.

Jackson: "I imagine you have questions." he said.

Sienna: "I have one." she said. "Why return after you left us?"

Jackson: "Because I need help getting someone back."

Sienna scoffs.

Sienna: "And you think we're going to help you?" she asks, crossing her arms.

Jackson: "Do you have an issue with my return?" he asks.

Sienna: "I'm not fond of those who abandon us." she said.

Jackson: "I never officially joined this group." he said, calmly. "But we can discuss this later."

Sienna went to speak but Ghira put a hand in front of her, calming her down. She relents and lets Jackson speak.

Najenda: "Who's this person you need help getting back?" she asks.

Jackson: "Dolion Louis." he said. "The son of Henry Louis."

Najenda's eyes widened. Others who knew about Henry Louis were shocked as well.

Sienna: "You seriously think we'll help you save the son of the man responsible for our suffering!?" She said, not happy.

Raven: "That son betrayed his nation." she adds. "I don't particularly trust the Louis family, but I trust Jackson's judgement."

Nomad: "What happened to him?" he asks.

Jackson: "A masked warrior with control over shadows attacked us and captured him." he informs. "I'm willing to bet that he's already in Unity City by now."

Sienna: "Then it's a lost cause." she said.

Jackson: "I've gotten into Unity City many times, so no. It's not a lost cause." he argues.

Sienna: "We have someone inside Union Academy and this little rescue mission could jeopardize that mission." she said.

Jackson: "Wait what?" he asks.

Najenda: "Unfortunately since you're not one of us, officially. That's classified." she said before glaring at Sienna.

Sienna realized her mistake and silently apologized.

Jackson: "Look I'll do this on my own if I have to, all I need is assurance that I'll have an extraction or back up." he said.

The CRS members look amongst themselves, contemplating this. If they risk this, it could jeopardize (Y/n)'s mission. Should they risk it, or should they just let Jackson do it alone? Jackson saw their faces and knew he wasn't going to get the support he needed. Not a big deal, he'll just do it with him and Raven. She and Him are more than capable of getting into Unity City, but getting into Union Academy is another obstacle. He hasn't been there in years, so he has no idea how to even sneak into the place. It's heavily guarded and security is everywhere. But hearing that the CRS has someone inside of Union Academy means that the Union is lacking in their previous might. Which is good for him if this was a normal entry into the city. It isn't. He has Dolion Louis to worry about and Raven to worry about as well. Raven is well known as an enemy of the Union due to her Bandit tribe while he's managed to remain low profile due to him wearing masks typically on his many raids and heists of Union property.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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