CHAPTER 30-Coalition of Rebel Sectors

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As the Droid/Faunus Forces returned to Menagerie, Menagerie Guards and Droid Forces were assisting with unloading rescued slaves. The Local Faunus population did their best to help feed and heal the poor people who were subjected to the horrors of Union's corruption. Housing them would be a problem, but they managed to turn storage buildings into temporary homes for the rescued slaves. (Y/n) ordered his Droids to set up multiple camp zones for civilians to live in temporarily until Kuo Kuana can be expanded to accommodate the new occupants. But they wouldn't stay for long, (Y/n) knew the prisoners were still in danger of recapture so he wanted to send them to the Social Separatist States but contacting them would be a hassle. So in preparation for this plan, he went straight to Ghira in order to discuss and better organize relief efforts for the rescued slaves.

He made sure to bring the others with him. Najenda, Markus and Luna was brought along. He brought Luna as he wanted to continue her training, and right now he was training her diplomatic skills. He has plenty of diplomatic experience as he got all of it from the Clone Wars when he had to negotiate with Republic Forces to either ensure Civilians are evacuated or to ease tensions between neutral worlds and separatist forces. In the Chieftain's office, Ghira was sitting at his desk, looking over a holographic map provided by (Y/n) who was currently talking to him.

(Y/n): "We need to make sure the rescued slaves are cared for accordingly. They'll be safer in the Separatist States than here in Menagerie." he explains.

Ghira: "Contacting the SSS will not be easy. Thanks to this Cold War between them and Union." he says.

(Y/n): "Then we find someone who has easy and a stable line of communication with the Separatist States. But, who this someone is will be the problem." he says, immediately finding a flaw in the plan.

Najenda: "The Outlaws."

Everyone looks at her.

Najenda: "I've heard from Futaba that The Outlaws had been in cohorts with the Separatist States for a while now. Helping people being hunted by the Union escape by getting them into the SSS. She says that the Peace Faction believes that the group's leader has a direct connection to Australia's leader who is an influential member of the SSS Parliament." she explains. "If we recruit The Outlaws, we can get these rescued slaves to Australia and far away from Union's grasp. They'll be safe."

(Y/n): "Where can we find these, Outlaws?" he asks.

Najenda: "I'll have to ask our friends in the Peace Faction. They've kept close tabs on the Outlaws for a while now so they should know where they're base is." she explains. "I'll contact you once we have their location."

(Y/n) nods her way. He then notices Luna's gaze and can tell somethings troubling her.

(Y/n): "Is everything alright Luna?" he asks.

Luna snaps out of her daze and looks at him. She processes what he said before nodding.

Luna: "Yes, I'm fine."

Markus: "You do not look fine, Luna." he says, expressing concern.

Before his village was attacked, he had taken the role of Village Elder. Doing his best to make sure everyone was happy, being in his old age also helps with wisdom as he's been on this Earth for a long time.

Luna: "it's just... can we even trust the Outlaws? They're literally called outlaws." she asks.

Najenda: "I'm not too sure myself. That's why we'll confront them instead of brining them onboard. If we meet them, we can't expose anything that Union would find useful." she said.

Luna: "It's not Union I'm worried. It's 'them' I'm worried." she said, mentioning someone.

This gains a look from (Y/n).

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