CHAPTER 60-Welcome to Unity City

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At the massive wall surrounding Unity City was a large gate that had a road running through it. A Military Checkpoint was present along both the road and sidewalk. One of the UF Soldiers on guard scratches his neck before noticing Robyn Hill, the Happy Huntresses and (Y/n) approaching. Seeing its Robyn, he steps aside.

UF Soldier: "Huntress." he greets, calmly.

Robyn: "Soldier. Security looks tighter than when I left." she says.

UF Soldier: "Yeah, things have gotten more heated since the Ace Ops and Specialist Schnee took command of all Security teams in the city." he informed.

Robyn: "What? They're in charge? What about Ironwood?" she asks.

UF Soldier: "haven't heard huh? General Ironwood is in Mistral right now. So, the Specialist Schnee has taken command under the UIB's orders." he said.

Robyn froze hearing that. The UIB has to be on high alert in order for them to order Winter of all people to take charge. (Y/n) noticed and stepped forward.

(Y/n): "Loved this little chit chat, but we need to report our findings." he said, lying cleanly.

UF Soldier: "Oh right! Sorry for holding you!" he said, nervously as he realizes he accidentally hindered a Huntsmen operation.

The group walks past him. Once they're past, he steps back to his post and ensures no one unauthorized enters the city. As the group walked away and down the street, (Y/n) had a smile on his face. Robyn looked back before chuckling as she looked forward.

Robyn: "You really fooled him. How'd you know he'd listen?" she asks.

(Y/n): "From what I understand. Huntsmen outrank UF Grunts, and I could tell it was just infantry and no higher rank." he said.

Robyn: "Really? Glad to know your informed." she said, sounding happy for this outcome. "But there is more you need to know."

(Y/n) looked at her curiously as they walked down the street.

Robyn: "Unity City is home to every single Pro Hero and most of the Huntsmen. So, you need to be exceptionally careful. Thankfully, Huntsmen like me have full run of the place due to my status as a high-ranking Huntress. But my access will only get you so far." she said. "Najenda said you needed to infiltrate Union Academy which won't exactly be easy."

(Y/n): "never thought it would. It is the crown jewel, right?" he asks.

Robyn: "Right. Union cherishes the Academy so much so that it's a Fortress. Much stronger than Fort Bingham and a symbol of the Union's might. No Villain in history has been able to infiltrate it thanks to the Devils and Fallen Angels. Their magic is able to detect a villain a mile away." she informs. "So even if I manage to get you into the Academy, what's your plan?"

(Y/n): "once inside, I'll try to stir chaos amongst the student ranks. After all, they're still kids. Most of them don't know the truth so this can work to my advantage. But I also wanted to speak to the Peace Faction, see if they can find an easy way inside." he informs.

Robyn: "Good luck. With recent activity, the Peace Faction's been careful. But I'll try to stage a meeting for you with them." she said.

(Y/n): "Thank you."

As the group walks through the city, (Y/n) looks around and notices how bright and futuristic everything is compared to the villages he's seen. It's clear that Unity City is the wealthiest City so far. But he can see the stark contrast between the Majority and the Minority. He seen this in the broader Galaxy. The Core Worlds are more developed and modern while the Outer Rim is barely holding everything together. He hates this kind of contrast. This was the reason the Clone Wars even started in the first place. Though now that he thinks about it, when he learned the truth about the Clone Wars, specifically how Palpatine orchestrated everything, he didn't know how to feel. Granted he learned all too late to stop it as the war drove his attention away from it.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now