CHAPTER 2-The Village!

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A single Separatist shuttle descended from the clouds. Inside the shuttle were Commando Droid's and (Y/n) going to investigate the destroyed village. Another Team was already on the ground searching for survivors. The shuttle lands next to the other Shuttle. (Y/n) and his Commando Droid's disembark from the craft and walk into the devastated village. As they walked into the village, (Y/n) looked at the ruined buildings and crushed streets. Some destroyed vehicles scattered about.

It looked like a Warzone. He walks into the village and three Commando Droids from the first Squad approach him.

(Y/n): "Report." he orders.

Commando Droid: "We've scanned the entire area and found little evidence of survivors." he reports.

(Y/n) gestured it his right hand for the Commando's he came with to spread out and search the area.

(Y/n): "Have you thoroughly investigated the area for the cause?" he asks.

Commando Droid: "yes sir. We found some evidence of Blast Residue signaling some type of Artillery bombardment. We've also discovered what appears to be bullet holes supposedly created by slug throwers as well as a multitude of burned buildings and corpses." he reports.

(Y/n): "Burned corpses?" he repeats. "So, whoever attacked wanted to cover their tracks. Did it poorly since this place is still standing." he mumbles to himself in thought. "Any evidence of an Army?"

The Droid shook his head. (Y/n) hums to himself questioningly. Even from that small amount of evidence provided, he can easily rule out an Army attacking this place. But what Army? The Empire? No it can't be, they're in the Unknown Regions. This place was practically off limits from everyone. As he tried to come up with an explanation. One of the Commando Droid's walked past an alley way. He stopped and looked into the alley way. His bright white eyes piercing into the alley.

He was about to walk past but heard something fall over so he snaped his gaze back at it. He raised his blaster and slowly walked into the alley. As he got deeper, he noticed something on the ground. He walked over to it and picked it up. It was a stuffed animal by the looks of it. It looked burnt but intact. He inspects it before noticing a sealed door to his left. He looked at it before putting his metal digit up to the side of his head.

Commando Droid2: "Sir, I request your presence." he reports.

(Y/n) heard this. He and a few Commando's head over to the alley way and join the Droid.

(Y/n): "What is it?" he asks.

The droid gestures to the door. He looked at it. He walks over to it and gently brushes his hand up against it. He was using the Force and could sense life forms inside. He also knew the door was locked. He sensed their fear. He backed up and motioned with his head for a droid to deal with the door. One of them walks over and rips open the control panel. He began to hotwire it while the others had their blasters ready. (Y/n) just stood there.

The other Commando's were still looking around and investigating the damage. The door then opened and two of the Commando Droid's rushed in and raised their blasters incase someone was to attack. (Y/n) heard many gasps. Some panicked and terrified. (Y/n) and the three Commando's walked into the room. (Y/n) looked at the people inside.

They all looked bloody terrified of his presence. He and his Droid's of course. He lightly pushes the blaster of one of the droids down and the rest obliged. He then looked at the crowd of civilians. They looked dirty, shaken and malnourished. Some of them looked like they were trying to be brave but they're shaking physique made it clear they were scared.

(Y/n): "Who amongst you is in charge?" he asks.

No one answers.

(Y/n): "Are there any other survivors?" he asks.

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