CHAPTER 52-Rebuild

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After Esdeath's capture and the death of her two Lieutenants, The Battle was already won. But with the enemy Fleet now in ruin and at the bottom of the ocean, Kuo Kuana is safe once again. Any remaining United Forces Soldiers and Aircraft were either captured or destroyed. But a lot of UF Soldiers surrendered and the UF Air Forces had to be shot down. With the battle officially over, clean up efforts immediately began to fix and clean up Kuo Kuana from the battle. (Y/n) ordered all Civilians and POW's to remain outside of the city in temporary camps as a safety precaution until they've properly cleaned up anything that is dangerous such as unexploded ordinance and what not. The POW's saw the failure of their allies and some even volunteered to aid in getting rid of unexploded ordinance. (Y/n) left that up to Ghira as he was busy with something else.

Ghira allowed the POW's to help but only those that wanted to. The rest remained under close watch and apart from the civilians that waited. The POW's that did help were given their armor back to protect themselves from any of the unexploded ordinance or any buildings that might collapse with them near it. (Y/n) took Esdeath out of Kuo Kuana under heavy guard. He was going to take her to the Reclaimer of independence up in Orbit for interrogation. (Y/n) wouldn't leave right away as he had some things to handle down on Kuo Kuana. Most importantly, their surprise Clone ally that came in and destroyed the Shield Vessel. He and Obi Wan are at a designated landing zone waiting for Nomad. Najenda is off to the side looking at the two. Jackson walks up to her.

Jackson: "was sparing Esdeath really the best course of action?" he asks.

Najenda doesn't bat an eye.

Najenda: "The information she holds is valuable." she said.

Jackson: "Like what?" he asks.

Najenda glared at him.

Najenda: "That Shield Vessel for one, not to mention the plethora of other information we can get from her." she replies. "She is one of Union's top General's."

Jackson: "I know she's one of Union's top Generals. But it's Union's response to this defeat that has me worried." he said.

Najenda: "Why's that?" she asks.

Jackson: "Union won't take this lying down. You know that."

Najenda: "Jack." she said with a sigh. "I'm aware of what Union will do. We were both Special Forces-"

Jackson: "Correction, I was Special Forces. You didn't stick with us for long since you got promoted to a General." he corrects.

Najenda rolls her eyes playfully.

Najenda: "Whatever." she said, playfully. "I know what Union will do."

Jackson: "It's not what they'll do that has me worried. It's WHO will be the one to do it." he said.

Najenda: "General Louis hasn't seen action in years. Knowing Union, they won't bring out their most prized General. Esdeath may have been the strongest, but Henry was their best Tactical Mind. That's why he's in charge of the UIB." she explains. "Union holds their cards close to their chest, the last time anyone saw Henry on the field was 30 Years ago."

Jackson: "True. Henry was their Trump Card. But I'm surprised they're not sending him at The Anarchists." he said.

Najenda: "The Anarchists are.... well. An odd group. They seem way to similar to The Black Rose." she said, a hint of suspicion.

Jackson: "Well, they want to spread Chaos in order to destroy Union and the SSS so yeah they sound pretty similar." he said, using his iconic smirk.

Najenda glared at him playfully for his smartass remark. Jackson chuckles at this reaction. Oh he missed getting those reactions.

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