CHAPTER 72-Evaluation

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After his talk with Darth Vader through the Force, (Y/n) kept everything about it to himself. He didn't want to cause his allies to freak out. Something like this could not get out or else panic would rain through the CRS and the Peace Faction. He wants them focused on the Union, besides. It's not like the Empire will find them easily. He'll make sure that the Union is dealt with before preparing for the Empire's arrival. One war after another. First the Clone Wars, then his War against the Union and soon his War against the Empire. Right now, he and Qrow were on their way to the Arena that Union Academy has. Apparently, this Arena is used for Combat Classes and battle simulations for the students to either fight each other or fight in simulated battles against Training Drones. Qrow had informed him on the Evaluation process and what they'll be using. (Y/n) had no worries as he's faced worst. Simple training droids aren't going to faze him. He's battled countless Jedi, Mandalorian hunters, Bounty Hunters and more.

By the time they reach the Arena, (Y/n) looks up at the large structure.

(Y/n): "Kinda big, isn't it?" he asks.

Qrow: "Well, Quirk users can be destructive." he replied while shrugging his shoulders.

(Y/n): "That so? Then how many times has it been rebuilt?" he asks.

Qrow thinks about it for a second before bringing up his hand with two fingers up.

Qrow: "Twice."

The two of them stop their little banter and notice a pair of UF Soldiers approaching them.

UF Soldier 1: "the headmasters are waiting for you." he said.

UF Soldier 2: "Follow us, please." he orders, calmly.

They then follow the two soldiers into the arena building. As they stepped inside, (Y/n) could see various lockers. Most likely for the students to store their gear.

(Y/n): "Is this place used often?" he asks.

UF Soldier 2: "The Colosseum is used commonly by Professor Goodwitch for the Huntsmen Combat Class. It's occasionally used for the Hero Division. So yes, it's used often." he answers.

He was satisfied with this answer. Why? Well it'll help down the line. As they reach a set of doors, the two Soldiers stop Qrow which causes (Y/n) to stop as well.

UF Soldier 1: "You can watch from the stands with the rest of the staff." he said. "From here on out, it's just him."

Qrow: "Got it." he said before looking at (Y/n). "Good luck."

(Y/n): "Don't need it." he said with a smirk.

Qrow then walks off to get to the stands to spectate the Evaluation. The Soldiers turned around and left. (Y/n) looked at the door and quickly tapped his lightsaber just to make sure he had it. With that done, he puts hands on the door, but it opens automatically. He put his hands down and walked into the arena. As he walked into the arena, he noticed the crowd in the stands watching him. Just the Staff by the looks of it. He stops walking when he gets in the middle of the arena. He looked around at the stands before his eyes land on the headmasters who all sat near each other. Sirzechs stood up to address everyone.

Sirzechs: "I'm sure you all are wondering why you were all summoned to the Colosseum. Well, today, we are going to evaluate a man named Darth Seraph. If he passes this evaluation, he will become a member of Union Academy's staff. To properly test him, we've decided to use the simulation drones. A new series of training equipment that will be introduced to all of you shortly. So, this battle is not just an evaluation, but also a test of a new training system."

(Y/n) grabs his lightsaber hilt and unclips it from his belt, his gaze never breaking.

Sirzechs: "Now, let's not waste any more time. Let the Evaluation, begin." he said before nodding to a soldier.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now