CHAPTER 49-2nd Battle of Menagerie Part 3

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As the CRS Air Forces began their tactical retreat to the Fleet for a better defensive chance, (Y/n) made sure to shoot down any fighters that tried to follow. Some of the Vulture Fighters dove towards the Dropships but engaged the Gunships defending them. The bombers were the ones he was trying to protect and was succeeding as the enemy was rushing down towards their dropships resulting in the Dogfight to merge with the Dropship Squadrons. A few dropships were taken out by fighters, and one was taken out by friendly fire thanks to a stray missile. (Y/n) didn't join this dogfight as it was getting closer and closer to the Fleet that was still shooting at the Energy Field. He flew towards the fleet. He had faith that Obi Wan could at least hold the line and prevent the Union from harming the civilians that had left the city. He's just hoping they don't know.

On the ground, Obi Wan watches as the enemy Dropships get closer and closer. White Fang Soldiers were ready for them as were the Battle Droids. He watched the dropships begin to come in for a landing, so he grabbed his lightsaber hilt. One of the gunships flew right for them and fired at his position. He ignited his lightsaber and managed to deflect a few bullets and dodged the rest. The two Soldiers near him weren't so lucky as they were gunned down. He then began to move back away from the coast as did the others. A pair of Dropships came in and landed in the biggest clearing. The side hatch opened and UF Soldiers came running out of the dropship and began shooting at the defenders.

The White Fang Soldiers returned fire with either Blasters, or with Earth Weapons. Obi Wan managed to deflect bullets here and there but he saw the dropships begin to leave. So, he used the force and caused them to stall. As he did that, a Super Battle Droid fired a rocket at them and took out the engines on one causing it to suddenly explode and crash into the open area by a building. Bringing down a portion of the building in the process. The other dropship made haste to escape but was shot down by a Vulture Droid that flew past it. The dropship's right engine explodes, and it came crashing down into the water. AA Guns lit up the sky as they took out both Fighters and Gunships. The soldiers that were deployed in front of them were killed quit quickly due to them not having much cover. Only a few remained while the rest were gunned down by Droids. It was clear that landing by the coast was a bad idea. Obi Wan looked up and saw many Dropships taking risks and attempting to land troops deeper into Kuo Kuana despite the air defenses.

He also saw an F-22E fly by and blow up one of the AA Guns. But that fighter was quickly shot down by either a fighter or an AA Gun. He looked around and saw that barely enough dropships landed in Kuo Kuana, but he figured it was only the first wave despite so many of them being shot down. He couldn't understand the logic behind this tactic. It's like they're just throwing their own soldiers at them until they're weakened. It's like what the Droids did during the Clone Wars. What is their endgame? As more and more Dropships begin deploying their troops in or around Kuo Kuana in areas by the coast, Obi Wan begins to think about what their strategy could possibly be. Then it hits him.

Their target isn't the city, it's the Civilians! He quickly gets on coms.

Obi Wan: "(Y/n)! I think I know why they began their invasion so early!!" he calls.

(Y/n)(COMS): "That is?"

Obi Wan: "They know about the Civilians!! They're the target!! They must be trying to separate our forces and turn our attention away from them!" he warns.

(Y/n)(COMS): "Are you certain?" he asks, with concern in his tone.

Obi Wan: "No doubt about it." he replies who deflecting a bullet with his lightsaber while getting behind cover.

A pair of Vulture Fighters fly overhead while chasing down a Gunship, inevitably destroying it and bringing it down. A large bullet flew past him and hit a UF Soldier. Confusedly, Obi Wan looked at the dead soldier and then in the direction the bullet came from to see Mine with her Imperial Arms.

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