CHAPTER 53-Milita Meets CRS

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As the large cruise ship arrived by the docks of Kuo Kuana, it's large size needed additional loading ramps to get everyone onboard. There weren't many Militia Soldiers that came out of the Cruise ship or from the Gunships that escorted the large vessel. The Militia Soldiers also looked drastically different compared to their United Forces counterparts.

This is what all members of The Militia wears as to be distinguished from the typical Separatist Soldier

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This is what all members of The Militia wears as to be distinguished from the typical Separatist Soldier. The hoods and masks they wear help them remain anonymous. There is about probably a Battalion's worth of Militia Soldiers present. But as the Militia Soldiers marched off the cruise ship, one of the only Huntsmen in the Separatist States steps off with them. The one, and only. Summer Rose. Since she helped create the Militia, she's one of their Lieutenants. She looked around at Menagerie, seeing the battle scars on the city and environment. She watched as numerous White Fang Soldiers and Battle Droids did their best to help the wounded fighters as well as putting out any fires that were still raging at the time.

What shocked her was seeing UF Soldier's in armor aiding. But she noticed how some of the Droid's had their guns ready while guarding them. Summer's thoughts were interrupted as a few Militia Soldier rushed past her and went towards a pair of Faunus who were trying to lift a cart out of the road. The three soldiers joined them and helped move it. Others Militia members held medical supplies while they spread out to give aid. Other Soldier's assumed guard of the docks while keeping a close eye on the UF Soldier's that were helping. Summer deduced that they were POW's but volunteered to help out.

Jackson: "Summer!" he calls out.

Summer looked towards the voice that called her and saw Jackson walking over to her accompanied by Najenda. (Y/n), Obi Wan, Luna, Nomad and Nura stayed behind or went off to do their own thing. Her face beamed with a sense of familiarity. It has been some time since she's seen Jackson. She owes him a lot since he was the one who got her to Australia all those years ago.

Summer: "Jack!" she exclaims, happy to see a familiar face.

Jackson: "Seems your doing well. Especially with these soldiers." he notes. "Militia I take it?"

Summer: "Yep. Unfortunately, this is all of us." she said.

Najenda: "Wait, this is all the Militia has to offer?" she asks, confusedly.

Summer nods, confirming Najenda's question to be fact rather than fiction.

Summer: "The Separatist States aren't all on board with fighting Union behind the scenes. As if the Cold War wasn't fighting enough." she said, rolling her eyes at the end. "The CSIA has worked around the clock to try and weaken them. But the Prime Minister of Australia elected a more hands on approach. That's when the Militia was created. A small group of people who can fight Union behind the scenes. Kind of like a Black Ops group." she explains.

Jackson: "huh. Didn't think Thomas had the balls to even consider this option." he mumbles. "How is he by the way?"

Summer: "tired. Ever since he commissioned The Militia to the Australian Government, the Parliament has been up his ass." she said.

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