CHAPTER 26-Battle of Bingham Part 4

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The Droid/Faunus Army have breached the walls of Bingham. The once invincible fortress is now getting close to the verge of being conquered by a rag tag group of rebels. With their forces now inside the Fortress, Najenda orders them all to split up and search for Prison Buildings and to mop up the United Forces and take their precious Super Fortress. Knowing the Super Fortress is massive, Najenda sets up an FOB right beside the gap in the wall. All wounded White Fang Soldiers were being taken care of here as Battle Droids marched past them with Tanks into the Fortress. Najenda and Sienna Khan were standing next to each other conversing on their next plan of action.

Sienna: "now that we've breached the walls. Marvin is going to be doing whatever he can to kick us out of his Fortress." she said.

Najenda: "Then we'll be ready. But we need to seize control of this base as fast as possible incase enemy reinforcements are on their way." she said.

They all heard an explosion and looked up to see more York Class Frigates being destroyed by the battle that was above them.

Najenda: "Altus sure is kicking ass up there."

{Skies Above Bingham, Fort Bingham}

Altus watched as his ships converged on the enemy fleet. He saw The Invincible tactically retreat as the two Battle cruisers began their approach on his vessel. The York Class Frigates were all but destroyed at this point. Only 4 remaining. The droid Fighters and bombers were making quick work of them alongside White Fang Gunships. Most of the wreckages of the destroyed Union Airships crashed outside of Fort Bingham. The one they just blew up fell directly towards the wall on the Eastern side of the Fortress. The Droid/Faunus army attacked from the South and breached the Southern Wall. Altus sees the frigate crash into the Eastern wall and explode causing a ton of destruction and even destroying the wall even further.

A Tactical droid walks over to Altus who turns to face them.

Tactical Droid: "The enemy has yet to call for reinforcements."

Altus: "that is why we brought a small fleet. To trick Union into believing we have a smaller force." he states.

Tactical Droid: "What about their Command Ship? It appears to be in full retreat." he asks.

Altus: "Not full retreat. Tactical retreat. It is getting to a safe distance before it comes back at us again. It's probably going to attempt a flanking maneuver." he dismisses/explained.

The two hear an explosion and look towards the enemy fleet to see one of the missile cruisers explode. A Vulture Droid had gotten lucky and made a well-placed shot which ignited a missile that was preparing to launch and exploded causing the rest of the missiles inside the ship to explode. Kiefer saw this and was beginning to get nervous. This Rebel force is MUCH stronger than he anticipated, and Marvin is right. The Soldiers are incompetent and ineffective. This Peace Time has made them weak and arrogant. Most of the soldiers fighting now are in it for the money, or they blindly join believing they'll attain glory and a taste of war without knowing how deadly it is. Kiefer knows what War is like. Nothing glorious about it. Just a fight for survival with each side trying to out kill the other. Kiefer just needs to worry about the Rebel Air Fleet instead of the ground forces. That's Marvin's job.

The two Battle cruisers currently firing upon the Droid Fleet gets a little too close and become a prime target for Droid Fighters and Bombers as the three Munificent frigates lit them up.

Kiefer: "What are they doing!?" he asks in shock before getting on coms. "What are you two idiots doing!?"

Captain1(COMS): "Going in for the Kill, Sir." he responds.

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