CHAPTER 27-Battle of Bingham Part 5: Showdown

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(Y/n) and Adam marched towards the Headquarters. (Y/n) holding a knew found rage aimed directly at Union. He lost Altus because of them. They killed him. As they get closer, a pair of MAVs are coming at them but (Y/n) is no longer giving them a chance. He uses the force and destroys the vehicles' engines causing the cars to veer off course and crash into walls. As he walked towards them, he used both hands and using the force, smashed the top of the cars together, flattening them and killing the occupants. He then threw the cars aside while walking past where the wreckage once was. He wasn't giving mercy until he killed Marvin. Adam just follows him. The two reached the HQ which was a tall building that had a series of guards out front who aimed their rifles at them and opened fired but the bullets got stopped by the Force.

(Y/n) shot the bullets back while using the force to grab his lightsaber. He ignites the white blade as he approaches the cards. He used the Force and ripped their guns out of their hands as he got to the stairs. He slashed to his right and killed one guard before slashing left and killing another. He Force pushed another into the wall while turning around and throwing his saber into the head of another guard that slammed into the guard behind him. That's a double kill as the saber impales them both in the head. He recalls his saber just in time to block an electric baton before he swept the soldier's legs as he flipped his saber into a reverse grip. He then slammed it down onto the soldier killing them.

He stands up ripping his saber out of the body before he flips it back around. He flicks it to the right and deflected a bullet fired from a pistol. He used the force on that soldier and immediately snaps their neck before tossing them aside. He then spun around into a kneeling position as he threw his saber at the last two which cut them both in half. He stands up as he recalls his saber. He then launched the doors of their hinges with the Force which startled the soldiers inside before he walks in and begins killing them all. Adam just watches him slaughtering UF Soldiers left and right. When he cut down the last soldier in the room, he stood there panting in frustration. Adam walks to him.

Adam: "We need to find Marvin." he said.

(Y/n) breathes in and out a few times to calm himself down. Once fully calmed down, he looked at Adam.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry you had to see that. Altus and I were.... he was like a brother to me." he apologized.

Adam: "I would've done the same thing so it's fine. We need to find Marvin and kill him." he said, accepting the apology.

It's weird to Adam. He's never really shown an ounce of compassion to any human. But this one is an exception. (Y/n) is a Revolutionary and gave the Faunus people the chance they'd waited for to destroy Fort Bingham and free all those trapped inside. This was their chance to Rebel against Union and all those who support it. (Y/n) nods at Adam before the duo continue on through the HQ. Every soldier that gets in their way is cut down by the two with ease until they reach Marvin's office. (Y/n) used the force and launched the two guards into the room, knocking the door of its hinges. The two walks into the room to see its empty. Marvin is nowhere to be seen.

Adam: "He's not here." he said.

(Y/n) scans the room before he hears the dinging of an elevator. He and Adam turn around to see the Elevator open. Four UIB Soldiers come out and open fire upon the two. (Y/n) deflects bullets while Adam does the same with his weapon. After deflecting enough, he slashes his sword sending energy at the soldiers. This kills two of them but the other two dodged in time. They get back up and open fire upon them but suddenly grab their throats as they're being force choked. (Y/n) closed his fists, snapping their necks before dropping them. (Y/n) turns his lightsaber off.

(Y/n): "I bet our Warden friend is where those soldiers just came from." he comments.

The two walks towards the elevator and walk past the bodies before getting into the elevator. Adam looked at the buttons and saw a bright red and obvious button. The two shared a glance with unreadable expressions before they looked back at the button. Adam presses the button and the elevator doors close and takes them down. As the elevator descends it plays music. (Y/n) glanced upwards before leaning towards Adam.

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