CHAPTER 18-Information, Training and Reinforcements

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Ghira Belladonna was sitting in his office while his wife Kali looked out the window watching (Y/n) training Luna. She's struggling to lift something and not pull it towards her. She's getting frustrated that she can only pull something towards her and not just lift it. Kali was still fairly shaken even after the Battle had ended. Menagerie was just attacked by Union. Effectively sparking War between the two. Kali turns around and walks back towards Ghira's desk. Ghira was looking over various pieces of paper regarding the Battle and some of the papers were relevant to the White Fang.

Kali: "I'm worried about Blake." she said.

Ghira hears this and sighs.

Ghira: "I'm worried too, Kali. She is behind enemy lines with no knowledge of this attack. The Faunus are at war with Union and we now possess the means to finally bring them down. I just hope that we can get word to Blake to tell her to come home." he said, huge amounts of worry and concern lacing his tone and expression.

Kali: "i know she can defend herself. But against the entirety of Union Academy? I-I don't see that being possible." she said, extremely worried.

Ghira: "all we can do is hope. Hope that Blake hears of the attack, hope that she comes home." he said.

{Union Academy, Unity City}

Within the Huntsmen Dormitories, a certain black bow wearing Faunus was sitting in her room reading a book. Blake Belladonna had joined Union Academy as a means of peacefully dealing with the corrupt people of this world. Human and Faunus. She left the White Fang as she believed they were too extreme. She's never seen the true horrors of Union Academy. She's just too naïve to know the truth like so many others in the Academy. A good example is her team leader, Ruby Rose. She's naïve and wants to be a hero like the ones in fairy tales but doesn't know the dark truths of this world.

Then there's the confident Yang Xiao Long, Ruby's sister. She's just gung-ho as ever and is a thrill seeker but at heart she's a really caring person. Yang is also one of Blake's first friends she's made here in Union. She has other friends in the Academy. But some are in the Hero Division, and some are in the Magic Division. There is one person in the Hero Division that she's gotten along with better than anyone and that is Fumikage Tokoyami.

However, when it comes to her third teammate, Weiss Schnee. She's struggling to even accept the Schnee after what the SDC has done to the Faunus for years. She's trying to see past the legacy in order to accept Weiss and hopefully change the Schnee's views on Faunus. But Weiss has no idea she's a Faunus. Only Fumikage knows as he stumbled upon it by accident.

Blake hears a knocking on the door so she looked up from her book.

Blake: "Come in." she calls out.

The doors opens to reveal Fumikage.

Fumikage: "Hope I'm not intruding or anything." he said calmly as he held the door open.

Blake: "No. Just reading a book. Couldn't find anything else to do." she admits while signaling for him to come in.

He walks into the room and shut the door before walking over to her.

Fumikage: "Where's your team?" he asks.

Blake: "Ruby and Yang went into the city to get some things."

Fumikage: "Cookies?"

Blake: "Cookies."

A very small smile appears on Fumikage's face.

Fumikage: "What is up with Ruby and those sweets anyways?" he asks humorously.

Blake: "I don't know. I never really asked." she replies. "At this point I think she has an addiction."

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