CHAPTER 31-New Assignment

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Dolion watches as many UF Soldiers move around the desolate village. They had sent some scouts to check out the Rebel base only to find that it was completely deserted. So now they're just assuming defensive positions in case the Rebels returned. They were notified that General James Ironwood was coming and was now their Commanding Officer. Some soldiers voiced their opinions, but the rest didn't really care. Dolion and Ervar were stationed inside the empty Village which was being converted into a Forward Operation Base. Many soldiers were investigating the village for any clues as to where its attackers had gone. Dolion was still in shock seeing the carnage left behind. .

All his time being stationed as security for the United Forces and UIB never really prepared him for sights like the one he saw when he entered the village. Sure, he's fought gangs and criminals, but what he saw was nothing like he'd witnessed when fighting armed thugs. His friend Ervar was seemingly on edge from it as well, but not as bad as him. Ervar wanted to be on the frontlines after all so he did his best to prep himself for the horrors it would bring. That's the clear difference between the two. Ervar is more straight forward and confident while Dolion is cautious and strategic. Brawn and Brains. It's how its always been since they left bootcamp.

Dolion was currently on guard by the entrance of the village with Ervar. Said man was leaning up against the frame of the Archway with his arms crossed. Dolion held his rifle in hand as he stood guard beside Ervar. Ervar didn't seem pleased.

Ervar: "When we were given new assignments. I thought we we're going to see some action." he complains.

Dolion: "People died here, Ervar." he scolds.

Ervar: "And?" he beckons "The costs of War as your dad always said." he reminds.

Dolion: "What my dad said can and cannot apply to actual scenarios, Erv." he rebuttals.

Ervar: "right." he says, doubting him. "I just want to actually put my training to use instead of holding down some village or military compound."

Dolion: "We're not at War, Erv. If we were, then we would be sent to the front. All soldiers would." he explains.

Ervar: "Yeah, yeah."

Two other UF Soldiers walk over, rifles in hand.

UF Soldier1: "Captain wants to see you two." he announces.

Dolion: "Take it you're replacing us?" he asks.

The soldiers nod. Dolion nods and jerks his head to the right, silently saying "Let's go" to Ervar who nods and stops leaning on the wall. He grabs his rifle which was propped up beside him. The two walk off while Ervar puts his rifle on his back. The magnetic mount connects to the gun and holds it in place. The two soldiers then replaced the duo and assumed guard. Dolion and Ervar moved through the village that had since been cleaned of dead bodies. Either put in body bags and sent to nearby villages for burial or buried in the local graveyard. They reach the center of the village which had been cleared out and fitted with various military tech. A small portable communication system was deployed as well as various tents. A few MAV's here and there, some crates with supplies and other necessities. The two approach the Townhall building that was used as the command center of this F.O.B.

They go inside and see the Captain of the 19th talking to other soldiers. He tells them off as he noticed the duo before walking over.

UF Captain: "Just the two I wanted to see."

Dolion: "You wished to speak with us, sir?" he asks.

UF Captain: "I do." he nods. "One of our scouts went missing and didn't report back. I'm sending you two to find her."

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