CHAPTER 62-Thorn

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After meeting with Toshinori Yagi, (Y/n) stayed at the nightclub with Robyn while Toshinori left to do Hero work and to try and contact Qrow Branwen. They remained in the Night Club as apparently Robyn wanted to meet up with one last person. Apparently, the owner of the Nightclub. (Y/n) learned it was run by a Mafia group that's in cohorts with the Peace Faction and has helped supply rebel cells in the past via stealing weapons or smuggling items into restricted areas under the Peace Factions command. Isaac Baltimore is his name. As the two waited, (Y/n) decided to ask some questions.

(Y/n): "So, what do you need to speak to Isaac about?" he asks.

Robyn: "Well, since he runs this place. I figured I should tell him that we'll be coming here more often.... considering your mission." she explains, making sure no one else heard that last part.

(Y/n): "Can we trust him?" he asks.

???: "Can you trust me? Ha! Of course you can!" a voice booms.

(Y/n) and Robyn look towards the source and see a man with a cane walking over with two armed guards.

Isaac Baltimore, leader of the Red Baron Mafia

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Isaac Baltimore, leader of the Red Baron Mafia. He reaches their booth and sits down across from Robyn and (Y/n). Cigar in mouth, a smile spreads across his face.

Isaac: "hope you two didn't wait too long." he says, brandishing a smile.

Robyn: "No, not at all. I just figured you should know that me and a few others from the PF will be making visits more often than normally." she said.

Isaac grabs his cigar and blew the smoke to the side.

Isaac: "Big score comin'?" he asks.

Robyn: "No. Something bigger I'm afraid." she said.

Isaac lets out a hum of acknowledgement. All to familiar with this kind of hustle. He then looks at (Y/n).

Isaac: "What about you greyhound?" he asks. "Can't say I've met you before."

(Y/n): "Call me Darth Seraph."

Isaac: "I'm stickin' with greyhound or Seraph cause I ain't saying Darth every time." he said with a chuckle.

(Y/n) looked at Robyn who nervously chuckles. Robyn was a bit curious at the fake name. Darth Seraph. What kind of name is that? She pays it no mind.

Isaac: "Well, figured you should know. I've been hearing a lot about Miss Royalty." he said, putting his cigar back in his mouth.

Robyn immediately got serious, and it surprised (Y/n) so he followed suit.

(Y/n): "Miss Royalty?" he asks. "Care to elaborate?"

Isaac nods before he snaps his finger. One of his guards brings out an envelope and hands it to his boss. The Mafia boss then opens the envelope and sets it down before sliding it over to Robyn. Robyn grabs it and takes out the contents. Inside were a set of photos of bodies with cuts, stabs and more wounds. Blood and all. (Y/n) looked at them and saw a pattern immediately.

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