CHAPTER 20-Recruitment

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After receiving a transmission from Najenda about a bounty hunter and the reinforcements, (Y/n) made his way back to the Fleet but not before making sure he had a meeting with the White Fang's leader. Ilia was willing to take him to Sienna Khan directly but will wait for him to get back. After ensuring that he'll speak with the White Fang's leader, he made his way back to the Fleet. He left Luna on Menagerie for her to meditate and under the care of the Belladonna's until he gets back. As (Y/n) lands The Eclipse in the hanger of the Lucrehulk, he climbs out of his ship. Once he set his boots onto the ground, he noticed Najenda walking towards him. Two droids walk past him as he walks past them while going towards Najenda. They meet in the middle and Najenda turns to walk beside him.

(Y/n): "Give me a run down on this hunter." he asks.

Najenda: "Altus says she's a Chiss. Whatever that is." she says. "But we're holding her in the brig right now."

(Y/n): "and Tersa?" he asks.

Najenda: "he cracked, and I got good information from him." she said, smiling as they pass through a pair of blast doors.

(Y/n): "Good to hear. I want to meet this Bounty Hunter first before we go over the information you've collected." he said.

Najenda nods as they walk towards the brig. It doesn't take them too long to get there. When they do, some guard Droids stood at their stations. (Y/n) walked in front of the cell holding the Chiss Bounty Hunter. She was just sitting up against the wall in the cell in silence and boredom. She hears the door to the cell open, so she looks towards it and saw (Y/n) and Najenda walk into the cell. She raised an eyebrow at them but remained sitting on the ground up against the wall.

???: "the head honchoes? I'm honored." she says playfully.

(Y/n): "What in the force were you doing to get captured by my Droids?" he asks.

???: "Thought it was abandoned and I was paid to find any Tactical Droids to use their battle intel." she said.

(Y/n): "For what purpose?" he asks.

???: "Don't know. Never asked."

Najenda: "Probably should have huh?" she asks.

???: "Probably. Considering I got ambushed by damn Commando Droids when I wasn't paying attention." she says.

(Y/n): "You imperial?" he asks.

???: "Hell no!" she says, a bit too loud.

(Y/n) looked at Najenda who spares him a gaze. Having an idea of what he's going to do. Considering his goals, this isn't something she's too surprised by. The two Rebel leaders look back to the Chiss Bounty Hunter.

(Y/n): "What's your name?" he asks.

Nura: "Nura'sev. But people call me Nura." she introduces.

(Y/n): "Well, Nura, what's your opinion on the CIS?" he asks.

Nura: "What they fought for was reasonable. But the head honchoes weren't exactly good. They committed war crimes all except for this Admiral named Seraph. Now he was a true hero of the CIS and personally, I think he stood for what they really fought for." she said.

(Y/n) let an uncontrollable smile from to his face. Seeing this her eyes widen.

Nura: "Your Admiral Seraph!?" she asks in utter shock.

(Y/n): "My name is (Y/n) (L/n). Darth Seraph was a former title I held. But I am still an Admiral. This is Captain Najenda, leader of Night Raid." he introduces.

Nura shoots up to her feet with stars in her eyes as she goes complete Fan Girl mode.

Nura: "I can't believe it! I'm face to face with the greatest military commander in history!!" she squealed.

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