CHAPTER 68-Union Academy

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A UH-70 was flying towards Union Academy. Inside the aircraft was Nezu who was accompanied by Qrow and (Y/n). They were putting their plan in motion. (Y/n) was told that there was a few Peace Faction members within Union Academy but was never told who they were. Safety reasons obviously. He was slightly worried about that guy who attacked Yor last night. Sure he knows she can defend herself, but he did nearly kill her. She's a new ally and he wants to make sure his allies are safe. Thankfully Robyn said she would keep an eye on her from time to time just in case that man shows up again. A part of him was also nervous since he was about to walk into the most heavily defended location on the Planet, and the very place that created the pain and suffering of this world. He was also going to meet the headmasters. The masterminds of the corruption this world faces. It's nothing though, compared to what he's done during the Clone Wars.

He once snuck into the Jedi Temple under the disguise of a Jedi. Oh, that mission sure was fun. That was obviously sarcasm, but still. If he can infiltrate the Jedi Temple no problem, he can handle infiltrating Union Academy. As he sits there, Qrow notices the nervousness that (Y/n) holds.

Qrow: "You, okay?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Yeah. Just a bit nervous. Haven't infiltrated anything in a while." he whispers.

Qrow: "how long?"

(Y/n): "don't remember. Having been through so much crap, I tend to forget half the stuff I did and when it happened."

Qrow: "Fair."

Nezu: "You know you don't have to whisper."

(Y/n) looks at Nezu who was sitting next to him.

Nezu: "These pilots are a part of the Peace Faction. Isn't that right you two?" he asks.

(Y/n) looks towards the cockpit to see both pilots hold up their fists before resuming their job of flying the aircraft. He then returns his gaze to Nezu.

Nezu: "Now I should mention that I notified someone of our arrival ahead of time." he mentions. "But don't worry, they're on our side."

(Y/n): "How many people can I trust in this Academy?" he asks.

Nezu: "Not many. But the ones you can trust will make themselves known. So don't worry, we have enough allies to make sure this plan goes smoothly." he informs.

(Y/n) gives a silent nod of acknowledgement. As the aircraft gets closer, (Y/n) looks out the view window to see the Academy. It was definitely an awe-inspiring building. If it wasn't associated with evil, he would've been impressed. But since this is the home of his enemies, he isn't. The massive tower in the middle of the Academy was an eye sore to him. It's not like the Jedi Temple, not even close. The Jedi temple at least was a spectacle. The fact that he knows the truth about the Union sure doesn't help. At least the Jedi actually tried to do some good. Now that he's thinking about the Jedi, a piece of him wonders how many survived the War. Maybe one day he can rally the Jedi survivors.

He can think about all of that later because he needs to be focused on here and now. He can feel the UH-70 come in for a landing so he prepares himself to enter the home of his enemy. The aircraft reaches the landing pad and sets its landing gear down. Once its landed, the side hatch opens and Qrow is the first one to step out. Nezu and (Y/n) come out after him. Once they got off the aircraft, the UH-70's hatch closes on its own before the ship takes off. As it flew away, the trio walked down the path away from the landing pad. Standing there waiting for them was Winter Schnee. Winter walks towards them.

Winter: "Headmaster." she greets.

Nezu: "Specialist Schnee. How are things?" he asks, casually.

Winter looks around before leaning in.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now