CHAPTER 41-Hawks Vs Three Beasts

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Patiently waiting, ready for the first attack, Hawks waits for his opponent to strike first. The three UF Heavy's in front of him have their guns trained on him. He was prepared for this battle and wouldn't hold back for this fight. Especially against Daidara. He knows how ruthless and deadly Esdeath's enforcers are and knows that they do not deserve to live. Especially with their reputation. Being eager to beging the fight, Daidara foolishly makes the first move. He charges Hawks who's eyes widen a little as he furrows his brow. The Imperial Arms wielding brute pushed past the soldiers and brought up his weapon to hit Hawks. But the Pro Hero weaves around the attack and counter with a slash from his blade like feather. It cut Daidara's arm but not deep enough to cause any serious damage. Daidara spun around and arced his axe over and slammed it down at Hawks who dodged by rolling to the side. He then quickly lifted his hand and threw the axe at Hawks who flips his feather into a reverse grip. He stabbs down getting the feather in between the blade and handle and then spun around with the axe and then threw it back at Daidara. The Imperial Arms user was surprised by this but dodged and caught his weapon. He then put both halves together and spun the axe a little before charging the Pro Hero.

Hawks expanded his wings and dashed up into the sky. Daidara stopped his charge and turned around while looking up. The UF Heavy's looked up and took aim before shooting at the hero. Seeing this act, Hawks flew to dodge the bullets before turning to face the soldiers. He then sends down three small feathers at high speeds that harden and stab the soldiers in the throats. Managing to pierce the neck part of the under suit they wear. The soldiers dropped their guns and grabbed their bleeding necks. One of them fell backwards before the other two fell to the ground. Hawks drops down and gets surrounded by four Huntsmen. Each with melee weapons. They charge him and give war cries.

Hawks dodged an Axe blade before counting with a spin kick, knocking the Huntsmen aside. He then angled his blade and pushed up a katana before thrusting his foot towards the sword's wielder launching them back and making them drop their weapon. He then spun his swords before jumping up a little and spinning around to gain momentum and slashing down with his sword like feather, slicing the third Huntsmen's mace handle in two and cutting them across the chest. Once landed, he arced a heel around and Heel kicked the Huntsmen back. He then swiftly turned around quickly and used both feathers to block the sword of the fourth Huntsmen. The two feathers remain in place while he grabbed the Huntsmen's arms before leaning backwards.

He rolled backwards and brought the Huntsmen with him before kicking the Huntsmen into the wall of a building while rolling backwards onto his feet. He catches his red feathers that flew back to him. Daidara had a grin seeing this and charged Hawks who charged him. Daidara split his axe into the split halves and brought them into a ready position. He slashed in an X fashion that was blocked by Hawks who slashed upwards, parrying the attack. He then slashed down and cut down across Daidara's chest. Leaving two gash marks on the warrior's chest. Daidara stumbled back after receiving the cuts. He lightly touched his chest and saw blood on his fingers.

Daidara: "Thought you were a Hero not a killer." he remarks a little surprised.

Hawks: "Like I said, not afraid to get my hands dirty." he claims. "Besides, you deserve it." he mumbles.

Daidara: "Let's see how dirty your hands can get then!" he shouts before he charged in.

As the brainless idiot charged, Hawks side steps and slashed horizontally to the right, cutting Daidara cross the waste as he past the Hero. Somehow this didn't cut him in half as Daidara turned around and slashed his weapon at Hawks. He hit hawks with the side of his weapon and launched Hawks back a few feet before he threw one of the axes. Hawks saw this and leaned back, letting the weapon fly over him. He backflipped a the same time and once he faced Daidara again, he threw his sword feather at him. The weapon pierced the brute in the chest and came out of his back. Daidara's eyes widened at this before falling to his knees. Hawks rushed over and grabbed the feather before ripping it around with a simple turn to face Liver and the others. Daidara falls to the floor with blood gushing out of his wounds.

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