CHAPTER 19-The White Fang

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Far off the coast of Menagerie was a squadron of White Fang Bullheads. Within the Bullheads were battle ready Faunus. They heard of Union's attack on Menagerie and were sent immediately to defend the island. But as they got closer and notified Ghira of their approach, he told them to land by the coast and to not shoot any Robots on the island. It confused them to no end, but they followed his orders. On one of the airships was Ilia Amitola. She had her mask in hand and weapon in the other. She was ready to defend the Faunus homeland. It angered her to hear that the Humans were attacking her home and innocent Faunus. As she rode in the aircraft, she tightens her grip on her weapon. One of the White Fang Pilots spot a large ship above Menagerie.

WF Pilot: "that's a big airship." he says in awe.

Ilia hears this and stands up from her seat and walks into the cockpit. She looked out the window and her eyes widened when she saw the two Munificent Star frigates above Kuo Kuana. She was just awe stricken and couldn't really focus on anything else. It was hard to tell if it was a United Forces airship or an SSS Airship. The Social Separatist States don't really have many Airships. But at least they still have them. They're not powerful but do get the job done. As the White Fang squadron approaches, Ilia's bullhead is contacted by one of the Star Frigates.

Droid(COMS): "White Fang Squadron, you are clear to land." he says.

The WF Pilots looked at each other in uncertainty. Ilia held a locked gaze with the Munificent Frigates above the city. As the Squadron approaches the coast, they come in for a landing. Menagerie Guards and Droids were waiting for them. As the first bullheads landed, the White Fang Soldiers disembarked and were approached by Menagerie Guards and a few Battle Droids. Ilia gets off the bullhead and is approached by a pair of Menagerie Guards as are other bullheads that land. She pays them no mind and sees the destruction around her. The ruined buildings, scorch marks, bullet holes. She also swears she saw a UH-70 in the water.

Menagerie Guard1: "which one of you is in charge of this squadron?" she asks.

Ilia: "me."

She was put in charge of the strike force temporarily.

Menagerie Guard1: "The Chieftain and Admiral would like to speak to you." she said.

Ilia: (Admiral?)

Since when did Menagerie use that kind of Rank? Last she knew, Captain Saber Rodentia was the highest-ranking warrior on the island. Was he promoted? She didn't dwell on it too much as White Fang Soldiers immediately got to work on assessing the damage done to Menagerie and helping where they could as they did bring medical supplies and other items to help Menagerie such as food in case it was sieged. Which it wasn't. Ilia followed the two guards through the city as she looked at the many Battle Droids either on patrol or helping out here and there with reconstruction. She then saw a number of UF Soldiers held prisoner being escorted by battle droids in the opposite direction she was going. She kept a gaze on the prisoners as the two groups passed each other.

The soldiers were stripped of their armor and weapons and cuffed. She wondered where they were going. She kept her mouth shut and kept looking around as they approached the Chieftains mansion. As they did, she saw two AAT's and multiple Commando Droids on guard alongside Menagerie Guards. They approached the stairs which was guarded by two Commando Droids who looked at ilia as she passed them. She felt nervous about the new robotic presence in the city. She and the two guards head inside the mansion and go straight for Ghira's office. Once they arrived, the guards brought her inside the office where she saw Ghira, Kali and (Y/n) waiting for her. (Y/n) was by the balcony door looking out to the city while Ghira was sitting at his desk with Kali by his side.

Ghira: "Ilia. So good to see you." he said, giving her a kind welcoming smile.

Ilia: "It's good to see you too, Chieftain." she said, respectfully.

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