CHAPTER 33-Find the Outlaws

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Within a dark room, Najenda was going over various footages and images provided by Probe Droids. She was trying to locate The Outlaws using said Probe Droids. She had sent a message to her friends in the Peace Faction if they could help but she hadn't heard anything back from them since. They're most likely searching for them. She hears the doors to the room open causing her to look in its general direction. She sees (Y/n) walk into the room.

(Y/n): "Any luck?" he asks.

Najenda: "None yet. I'm waiting for my allies in the Peace Faction to respond to my request." she replies. "With they're help I'll find The Outlaws a lot faster."

(Y/n): "Are there any other Rebel Cells that would be useful to our cause?" he asks.

Najenda: "The Happy Huntresses are one. Though, they're like the Peace Faction. There's then the Branwen Bandit Tribe in Mistral but convincing them might be harder considering who their leader is. Then there's DILE." she says.

(Y/n): "DILE?" he asks, confusedly.

Najenda: "Delta International Law Enforcement." she responds. "They're a large corporation that focuses on counterterrorism, drug cartels, Criminal Gangs and even deals with Rogue Rebel Cells."

(Y/n): "Friend or foe?" he asks.

Najenda: "unsure. I've never had a run in with them." she replies.

He takes a mental note of this corporation. They could become a problem in the future, and one that he may have to fight. But this will be a problem to solve later, right now they need to focus on finding the Outlaws and getting the citizens far out of Union's reach. The duo hears a beeping sound as one of the Probe Droids found something. The holograms vanish as this one hologram is enlarged. The holographic screen shows the projected image of a large town.

Najenda: "McCarty." she mumbles.

(Y/n): "Where's that?" he asks.

Najenda: "It's one of the few towns on the far outskirts of Union's Capital. McCarty is also known as a "backwater" village due to not being as modern as everyone else." she says.

(Y/n): "Think the Outlaws are there?" he asks.

Najenda: "Not sure." she said, shrugging her shoulders.

The hologram then showed the image of a base. The Outlaws base. (Y/n) looked at her.

Najenda: "Scratch that. I'm 100% sure they're there."

A chuckle is heard from (Y/n).

{Outlaws Base, Far from Unity City}

Ben walks into the tavern and sees Jackson talking to Daniel. Most likely about something regarding the gang he runs. He noticed that Daniel is like an enforcer in the gang. Making sure everyone falls in line and doesn't betray anyone. Not like betrayal is common considering everyone acts like one big family. The gang leader notices the jedi coming towards him, so he brought a finger up and silenced Daniel who followed his gaze to Ben.

Jackson: "Can I help you, Ben?" he asks.

Ben: "What does your group do?" he asks.

It's a question he wanted to ask for a while.

Jackson: "Well. We either help people escape Union, or we cause problems for Union." he replies. "We'll rob Banks, Convoy's and what not and give what we stole to the citizens."

Daniel: "Or if someone pays us enough, we'll do Mercenary work." he continued.

Ben: "So you're Mercenaries?" he asks.

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