CHAPTER-55-Break Out

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A loud bang startles Dolion who was previously sleeping in his cell. He actually fell of the 'bed' he was using in the room and hit the ground. He groans in pain as he rolls onto his back. Yep, he's going to feel that in the morning. But at least it's not like he had to march 10 miles. Oh, his feet were screaming at him the next day. Dolion looked up towards the bars to see a Remnant Soldier with a baton.

Remnant Soldier: "get up Union filth." he orders roughly before walking away and doing the same to Ervar who was in a cell next to him.

Dolion sighs before climbing up off the ground. Once on his feet, he looks across the hall to see Sarah in the other cell. She noticed the gaze of her fellow soldier and spared him a smile.

Sarah: "Enjoy your nap sleeping beauty?" she jokes.

Dolion: "ha ha." he said, sarcastically.

Sarah: "You'll get used to this kind of treatment. These rebels have been strongly opposing Union for years." she said, a bit bitterly.

Dolion: "how long?" he asks.

Sarah: "30-ish years."

Dolion: "Damn, that's long."

Sarah: "Not as long as the Black Rose. They started fighting Union 47 Years ago." she said.

Dolion: "Before the Liberation War?" he asks.

Sarah: "yep. They went dark years ago. No one knows why or how. They just vanished. Some think they went dark after their leader went dark. Some see them as a mere myth thanks to UIB sensors cleaning up the mess." she explains.

Dolion: "What? Why would the UIB cover them up?" he asks.

Sarah put her hands up in an "i don't know" fashion that seemed playful.

Sarah: "who knows, but at the end of the day. There's always going to be different sides to every story. Guess it's up to people like us to choose which side we follow." she says.

Dolion kept those words in his head as he thought back to the information he was given by Tyler. The atrocities committed by Union. Were they true? He was about to talk to Sarah about the information given to him, but the alarms suddenly blared loudly causing the two to look up in confusion.

Sarah: "This isn't a drill." she said.

Dolion: "Are you sure?" he asks.

Sarah: "yeah." she said, smiling. "Union's found us."

A pair of Remnant Soldiers rush past as one of them stops in between their cells. Two more soldiers joined him.

Remnant Soldier: "Grab the prisoners! We're taking them with us!" he orders.

The two soldiers nod and prepare to open the cell. Dolion waited. As his cell opened, he noticed Sarah's cell opened as well. She gave a simple hand sign that he recognizes. He suddenly grabbed the Remnant Soldier and turned them around while throwing their weapon aside. The other soldier aimed his rifle at Dolion who grabbed the handgun that the rebel soldier in his hand had holstered. Said soldier struggled in his grasp.

Remnant Soldier: "Drop the weapon!!" he orders. "Drop it now!!"

The other soldier turned to him but failed to realize he unlocked Sarah's cell. So, she slowly opened it and creeped out. She grabbed the head of the soldier in front of her and banged it off the cell bars which caused him pain. She quickly grabbed the gun of said soldier and wacked the other one in the face with it before unloading rounds into him and his friend. Dolion then pushed the rebel he had of him and wacked him in the face with the handgun hard. This knocked out the soldier and they dropped down hard.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now