CHAPTER 57-Conspiring

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In his office, Henry was looking at many holograms containing information gathered over the course of the attacks conducted by the CRS. Their first attack on the train, the First Battle of Menagerie, The Battle of Bingham and the current event, the Second Battle of Menagerie. Each of them were failures on Union's end and he understands why. Poor leadership and over confidence. In its hay day, Union had a powerful military that conquered the globe during the Liberation War. Back when the 12 Districts were first formed, the Union was insanely powerful. Fallen Angels and devils existed amongst the United Forces' ranks. But today, the Fallen Angels and Devils have been taken out of the United Forces to keep the façade of a peace keeping force. Henry always shook his head at this. Eventually, he knew War would arise.

The Separatist States weren't going to keep hiding behind closed doors for long. If this CRS keeps winning and proves that the United Forces are vulnerable, the Separatist States and other Rebel Factions will rise up and attack. This could bring upon the Fall of Union. Something he wants to prevent. So that's why he's planning on handling this quietly. No more large scaled invasions or military campaigns like the last ones. Clearly the CRS has enough firepower and numbers to put up a fight. But can they fight a war in the shadows?

The door to the room opens and Henry looked over his shoulder. Entering the room is Winter Schnee. She stands at attention before him.

Henry: "Specialist Schnee." he greets while turning around.

Winter: "Director Louis." she greets, returning the favor. "What do you require?"

Henry: "I require your assistance." he starts. "Considering Ironwood is all the way in Mistral, good riddance, I need you and the Ace Ops to remain on guard here at Union Academy and in Unity City." he orders.

Winter: "May I ask why?" she asks, not liking where this was going.

Henry: "Considering how easily Blake Belladonna was able to escape. With me being gone I believe it's best if you and the Ace Ops keep an eye on things. Despite the Ace Ops being from Ironwood, they have proven to be an effective unit. Especially with keeping their mouths shut. So, until I return, I'm making you the acting commander of the Ace Ops." he explains.

Winter was caught off guard by this as she knew this would hinder her efforts with the Peace Faction. She just hopes the Pro Heroes that work with the Peace Faction can do well in her absence.

Winter: "Of course, sir. But what will you be doing?" she asks.

Henry: "Considering that my orders are to handle this rebellion quietly, I think it's time we use a more... outside approach." he explains. "Our last attempts to quell this rebellion have failed. So I'm breaking protocol. How I will do this is.... Classified." he said, peaking back at a holographic screen.

Winter: "I.... understand."

Henry: "get the Ace Ops and get on with your mission, Specialist." he orders.

Winter: "Yes, sir." she says while saluting him.

She ends the salute and walks out of the room. Henry waits a few seconds then turns to one of the holographic screens. The other screens showed him profiles of various assassins belonging to a group called The Garden. But he moves those screens aside in favor of another. He makes the screen grow in size. It was a profile of someone he's been eyeing for a while. A Highly skilled Mercenary who's holds and impressive track record.

{Landing Zone, Kuo Kuana, Menagerie}

Waiting at the landing zone was a Shuttle guarded by Commando Droids. Beside the ship was Nomad who stood by the ramp. He was looking around and thinking about how his life came to this moment. He was trained to fight for the Republic. He fought against Droids on mass during the Clone Wars, but here he is now. Working alongside his former enemies. A part of him thinks his brothers are turning in their graves. But it was better than working for the Union and just standing alone when people are in need of liberation. The Clones were supposed to fight for Freedom but turned out to be tools for something far more sinister. He hates not having noticed beforehand, he could've tried to stop Order 66. But what's done is done. He cannot change the past and just needs to move on.

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