CHAPTER 13-Battle of Menagerie Part 1

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After talking with Ghira, (Y/n) made his way back to the Munificent Star Frigate that had left Menagerie. He was on the bridge as he was listening to a Tactical Droid with Najenda as a hologram beside him. He had asked the droid to give him a rundown on how many Droids and vehicles they have left ever since the Clone Wars. He does this regularly to make sure he doesn't get the numbers wrong. Better safe than sorry.

Tactical Droid: "We have approximately 502,000 B1 Battle Droids, 240,000 Super Battle Droids, 50,000 Droideka's and 20,230 Commando Droid's ready for battle with 100,000 B1 Battle Droids and 49,770 Super Battle Droid's in reserve on the Lucrehulk. Our max capacity at the moment is 962,000 Droids." he said.

(Y/n): "Vehicles?" he asks.

Tactical Droid: "We have around 9,000 Vulture Droid Fighters, 3,000 Hyena Bombers, 900 Shuttles, 56 C-9979 Landing Craft scattered throughout the Fleet. We also have around 2,000 AAT's and 89 MTT's for Ground based vehicle units scattered throughout our fleet." he reports.

(Y/n) stood there taking this information in. He's never really taken in just how many Droids he lost during the Shut Down order at the end of the Clone Wars. It really put perspective on how small his army was now. He desperately needs to make an alliance with the Separatist States in Asia and the Pacific if he's to rebuild his lost Droid Army. Najenda sighed.

Najenda(Hologram): "Our numbers are no where near Union's." she said dreadfully. "Especially since the 12 Districts formed."

(Y/n): "12 Districts?" he asks.

Najenda(Hologram): "before Union became so powerful, over a hundred countries existed on earth. The United Nations were desperate as Terrorism, War and more were straining the divided countries and getting out of control. Especially with Quirks, Semblance and Imperial Arms. Not to mention the Devil's and Fallen Angels. It was way to complicated to keep under control. So the UN instigated a vote in favor of giving Union enough power to deal with this threat. They wanted to avoid a Third World War from breaking out." she explained.

(Y/n): "But it went wrong?"

Najenda(Hologram): "yes. The Union was given too much power, so they created the 12 Districts which wiped out the countries completely. Their governments were disbanded in favor of this new system that they said would keep peace and stop War. It did stop War between countries considering there wasn't any. Everyone is under 1 Banner. But the Separatist States refused Union before and still do now despite being in a Cold War right now with Union." she explained.

(Y/n): "Was there any resistance from the nations?" he asks.

Najenda(Hologram): "yes. The United States, France, Britain, Germany, Canada and Russia rebelled against the plan. They were overwhelmed by Union who used the Devil's and Fallen Angel's in this war. The Liberation War was a massive yet short War. When America, Canada and Russia fell, all hope was lost, and the Allies surrendered to Union. This was 40 Years ago." she explained.

(Y/n) stood there taking this in.

(Y/n): "were there any Rebel movements?" he asks.

Najenda(Hologram): "The United States Military held out for 4 more years. But eventually was wiped out by the Union Intelligence Bureau and the United Force's Air Fleet. The American Resistance lasted only 4 years." she explained briefly. "But the American's paved the way for other rebel cells like... The Remnant."

(Y/n) cocked an eyebrow up.

(Y/n): "The Remnant?" he asks confusedly.

Najenda was about to respond but a battle Droid turned in its chair to speak to (Y/n).

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