CHAPTER 22-Plan of Attack and Infiltration

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Within the White Fang Camp, Adam Taurus smashed his fist onto the table in frustration. In the Command tent with him were other White Fang members. A map sat on the table before him showing Fort Bingham highlighted by Red and the White Fang Camp highlighted by a small flag placed on the map. He was frustrated because more United Forces reinforcements had arrived in Fort Bingham. Reinforcements that they could've prevented if they hadn't been occupied with something else. But the reinforcements also had a good number of new slaves for the mine which angered him even further. He's been here, trying to break Bingham's defenses for months. They have made no progress besides halting reinforcements into the Fortress.

But the new Reinforcements also came with additional airships to add to the already massive Air Fleet guarding Bingham. Marvin Turner has been on the top of Adam's kill list for years. Ever since he escaped one of the slave mines in Europe, he's held this grudge against Marvin for years. That's why he was more than willing to lay waste to Bingham when he was assigned the task. The original plan was to starve Bingham and break its defenses down over time. But no matter what they do, Bingham is always reinforced, resupplied and refitted. At this point it's a lost cause. A White Fang Soldier walks into the tent as the other members within look at her.

WF Soldier: "Adam."

Adam: "What?" he asks, angrily.

WF Soldier: "High Leader Khan has informed us that Reinforcements in on Its way." she replies.

Adam: "Reinforcements? What is that possibly going to do!? We've been stuck here for months trying to break through they're defenses, and we've failed!" he angrily adds.

WF Soldier: "I know sir. But High Leader Khan informed us that the new plan of attack is Invasion. This Reinforcements will aid us in destroying Fort Bingham." she continues.

Adam: "Invasion!? We haven't breached those walls!" he angrily retorts. "This better be worth it."

Another Soldier rushes into the tent.

WF Soldier2: "Sir! An unknown aircraft is coming!" he said urgently.

Adam grabbed his sword and makes his way out of the tent. As he did, he saw other White Fang Soldiers running around to either grab their weapons or get into defensive positions. Adam unsheathes his sword as he walked towards the area the shuttle was going to land. It was a Droid Shuttle that came in for a landing. As the starship sets its landing gear onto the ground, the ramp drops from the craft and (Y/n) comes out shortly after alongside Altus, Najenda, Nura and Night Raid. Luna and Markus were left on the Lucrehulk.

The White Fang aimed their guns at the unknown figures that had entered their camp. Adam aimed his sword at them.

Adam: "Who are you?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Your Reinforcements." he said, crossing his arms.

Adam scoffs.

Adam: "This some kind of joke?" he asks.

Sienna: "no it is not." she said as she exited the shuttle. Night Raid steps aside as she walks past them and stands beside (Y/n) who spares a quick glance at her.

Adam and other soldiers lowered their weapons seeing their High Leader.

Adam: "High Leader, why are you here with humans?" he asks. "They could be spies from Union!"

Sienna: "they're not and I can confirm it, Adam. So stand down." she orders sternly.

Adam glances at (Y/n) before sighing and gesturing for everyone to stand down. The Soldiers lower their weapons fully and assume neutral stances. The Faunus leader looked at Sienna and (Y/n).

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