CHAPTER 44-Setting the Stage

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Over the Atlantic Ocean, Esdeath's Fleet was currently advancing towards Menagerie's location. Esdeath's command ship was leading the formation. She had 9 Baltimore Class Destroyer's on her flanks, 5 London Class Battle Carriers, 6 Houston Class Battle cruisers, 10 Vegas Class Missile cruisers and 20 York Class Frigates. The 51 Airship strong fleet had a plan. A Plan to invade and conquer Menagerie, along with destroying the Rebels on it. Esdeath had a good plan for her invasion, one that's worked well in the past. From what she's heard from the reports, the Rebels shouldn't have that big of an Air fleet. She drastically outnumbers them with her warships and possibly ground forces. But landing on the island might be a problem. She did hear how the city Kuo Kuana has AA Guns that took down any landing craft and even damaged the York Class Frigates above. Most Union Anti-Aircraft guns aren't powerful enough to shoot down Airships, that's a job for Heavy Anti-Aircraft Guns which were specifically designed to shoot down airships. She sent 1 High Altitude Stealth UAV towards Menagerie to gather information on Emplacements, fortifications, AA Guns, Artillery and Unit placements. This plan of hers did yield some promising information. For example, she now knows that 1 Rebel Airship was stationed above Kuo Kuana alongside a Battalion of those War Robots. The AA Guns were placed near vitally important buildings like the Chieftains Home and some near the coast. Most likely to fend off any aerial attacks.

The city now also had a good number of Tanks scattered about, defending by the War Robots these Rebels possessed. She also noticed that the bots make up a good portion of their fighting force, with the White Fang and other Faunus picking up the slack. Her only real concern is where the other Airships are and where the rest of the Rebel Army is. She knows this isn't the main bulk of their forces. Bingham was attacked by a small fleet of 3 Airships one destroyed, and another knocked out of commission. But despite being outnumbered, those Airships seem to be stronger than Union Airships. They're guns are armor is stronger and can take twice the beating. They only got lucky to destroy one and badly damage another because of them focusing their attention on ONE of the Airships.

She was considering using Kiefer's playbook for this battle but decided against it since it lost the Battle of Fort Bingham despite having superior numbers. She then realized something; Bingham's defenses were taken out BEFORE the battle truly began. The Rebels had infiltrated the Fortress and turned off the AA Guns, allowing Rebel Bombers to destroy Artillery guns and blow up the Wall. There was only 1 Rebel Cell she knew had the skill to do such a task. NIGHT RAID.

{Outlaw Base, far away from Unity City}

Ever since Jackson left with Obi Wan, Daniel has been calling the shots in his absence. Nomad had been doing his own thing, he was currently in front of a large tent like structure that served as a makeshift hanger. This one belongs to Him as he helped build the damn thing. The village nearby was kind enough to help build it. It's not as state of the art as most Military Hangers, but it gets the job done. The roof could open up using a mechanism that was robust but useful. The roof was made to open up to allow VTOL like aircraft land in it. He reached his hand to open the hanger but stopped as he hesitated. In his head, he heard sounds of explosions and shouting from his brothers during the War.

He shook his head ot get rid of those thoughts before he felt a hand on his shoulder. He quickly drew his DC-17 and spun around, aiming it at the person responsible. He lowered it when he saw Cassidy who had her hands up playfully.

Cassidy: "Jumpy much?" she asks nonchalantly.

The clone sighs and holsters his pistol.

Nomad: "Sorry."

Cassidy: "What's on your mind?" she asks.

Nomad: "The General." he replies, a neutral look on his face.

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