CHAPTER 74-Reunite

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Somewhere deep in space, a Venator-Class Star Destroyer stood in orbit of the planet Vaatu. The last known location of (Y/n) before the Clone Wars ended officially. He'd been missing for about 2 months. On the bridge of the Venator was the man himself, Darth Vader. After he spoke with (Y/n) through the Force, he had gone out to find his old friend. The newly crowned Emperor Palpatine had mentioned how vital it was to locate (Y/n). Vader doesn't know why but he went with it. It gave him a reason to look for his old friend. (Y/n) was like a brother to him, more so than Obi Wan. Considering he lost Padme, (Y/n) is the only semblance of family he has left. When they met, he didn't expect to grow so close to him. He never expected to see (Y/n) as a brother at first. As he looked at the planet Vaatu, an Inquisitor walked up behind him. This Inquisitor kneels before him.

Inquisitor: "My Lord." She said.

Vader turned around to address this Inquisitor. The Inquisitor dawned the typical black armor but sported a black and red cape. She also didn't wear a helmet, so Vader saw her face. She had short black hair and sith-ly eyes.

Vader: "Speak, First Sister." he ordered.

First Sister: "All attempts to locate Darth Seraph have gone in vain." She informs. "The only signs of his presence here are the deactivated Battle Droids."

Vader: "this was the last known coordinates of Seraph and his entire Fleet. If He and them suddenly vanished, then that means he has an entire Fleet at his disposal which shouldn't be too hard to find." he said.

First Sister: "May I suggest something?" She asks.

Vader: "You may."

First Sister: "If Darth Seraph fled and vanished from sight. Why not search the Unknown Regions?" she suggested.

Vader thinks about it. It sounds like a (Y/n) thing to do. If he was in his shoes, he would go to a planet alone but considering he most likely has an entire fleet and army of Battle Droids with him, the Unknown Regions seems like the only viable hiding spot.

Vader: "You bring up a very interesting suggestion, First Sister." He spoke. "Seeing as you suggested it, I am tasking you to venture into the Unknown Regions to locate Darth Seraph and his Fleet. Once you've found them, i want you to transmit the coordinates directly to me. Got it?"

First Sister: "Yes, my lord." she said, smiling a little while bowing her head.

[Kuo Kuana, Menagerie, Earth]

In Kuo Kuana, the Militia from Australia had managed to fully evacuate the liberated slaves from Fort Bingham. The ship itself left a while ago and is on its way to Australia where the citizens will be given a new life. The captured United Forces Soldiers were also taken by the Militia to Australia. Some stayed behind. For example, Summer Rose and Twilight. Twilight stayed so he could be briefed on the events of (Y/n)'s infiltration. He was currently informing the rest of the CSIA about the successful insertion. Summer on the other hand stayed behind as she too wanted to know about the insertion. But a part of her really wanted to go home to see Ruby and Yang again. She misses her family. But she was forced into hiding because of Union. All because she learned the truth, she was forced to run and hide. Thankfully she found Jackson who got her into Australia with Thomas's help. Now she stands amongst the largest Rebellion to date. Well, there was the Black Rose. They caused more damage than the CRS has so far.

As she walked through Kuo Kuana, Summer saw various White Fang Soldiers and Battle Droids either on patrol or taking amongst themselves. Overhead, an HMP Gunship flew overhead with two Vulture Droids trailing it. They were on patrol most likely. She looked up and saw a Munificent Star Frigate. The rest of the Fleet that took part in the Second Battle of Menagerie returned to Orbit while one stayed behind. She looked forward and saw some kids playing soccer. She looked around and saw how peaceful things were despite the Battles that took place here. She still can't believe these Rebels managed to beat the Union three times. The First Battle of Menagerie, The Battle of Fort Bingham and the Second Battle of Menagerie. It was an astounding success that the Separatist States could only dream of. The ongoing Cold War between them seems to be in the Union's hands as for a majority of it, they've been winning and are stronger. But Summer believes the Union's time has come. They've been defeated three times in a row and (Y/n) managed to infiltrate Union Academy.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now