CHAPTER 39-The Traitor

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(Y/n) walks into the cockpit of the shuttle taking him and the others back to Menagerie. Obi Wan decided to come with to help Jackson and especially the civilians that (Y/n) had collected. He's a Jedi and wants to uphold his normal duties, and if (Y/n) really has been redeemed, he wants to do his part in ending this Union that torments the world. But he's going to wait and listen to see if (Y/n) truly abandoned his Sith past. He sat next to Jackson who had ordered Daniel to make sure the Outlaws moved their base considering they've been discovered. They don't want to risk being found by Union so they're going to move bases to one of their back ups they have around the world.

(Y/n)'s presence to the Droid pilots are known. Before they could say anything, (Y/n) hears his holographic projector go off. He grabs it and the hollow gram of Sienna Khan appears.

(Y/n): "Miss Khan. Is everything alright in Menagerie?" he asks.

Sienna(Hologram): "yes, everything is fine. Our forces are preparing for your arrival, however one of your probe droids picked up Union activity near Unity City. It involves the Headmasters." she explains. "Whatever is happening, we need to investigate."

(Y/n): "Send another Probe Droid. The United Forces will be on high alert, especially since Fort Bingham fell. It's best if we have two Probe Droids investigating the same issue. That way well get more information." he orders.

Sienna(Hologram): "Right away. Safe travels."

(Y/n) nods at her before the hologram vanishes. He then walks back into the cargo bay and looked at Najenda. He was about to let her know but saw her gaze at Jackson. He looked between the two and figured they had a lot to work out.

{Wall of Unity City, Unity City, Sometime later}

Hawks managed to help Blake sneak out of Union. Winter and All Might did their best to buy them time but it didn't take the United Forces long to notice that Blake was aware of their plan. The City was on lockdown until they found her. So Hawks made sure to avoid Union patrols before they reached the wall, they couldn't be spotted now or else a Pro Hero or huntsmen would be sent their way. As they reached the wall, Hawks guided Blake to the massive gate that leads out of the City. They sneak towards it but notice there are a bunch of UF Soldiers blocking anyone from leaving. He cursed under his breathe.

Blake: "How are we going to get through the checkpoint?" she asks.

Hawks: "We're going to have to charge through."

Blake: "What!? We'll be gunned down before we even get out of the city." she retorts, caught off guard by his bold plan.

Hawks: "These are simple foot soldiers. Not Superpowered. If I use my Quirk I should be able to disarm them and let us slip by." he said.

Blake: "Or we create a large distraction." she suggest.

He looked at her.

Hawks: "And how do you plan to do that?" he asks.

She then points towards something. He looked over and saw an armored car guarded by UF Soldiers. The car ammunition inside, one well placed shot would create an explosion big enough to draw attention and give them an opening.

Hawks: "Hm, that could work."

Blakes grabs her weapon and unsheathed it. Her weapons enters its gun mode and she takes aim at the car. After steadying her aim, she shoots one bullet that hits the ammunition. Sure enough, it explodes and boy is it loud. After the explosion erupted, the UF Soldiers at the checkpoint were startled before they rushed towards it. Civilians were in shock at the explosion.

Hawks: "Good shot, let's go." he said, before making sure they had a clear shot.

He then ran towards the checkpoint with Blake not far behind. As they ran for the checkpoint, one of the soldiers saw them and stopped running. He looked at them and saw Blake.

The Cold Protocol (Male Sith Reader X Union Academy x Star Wars)Where stories live. Discover now