CHAPTER 65-Shadow

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Deep within the forests of Mistral was the Branwen Tribe Camp. The Camp was being expanded to accommodate the Outlaws that had set up shop with the tribe. Jackson was currently sitting by a lit fire with his hat off. He had his arms on his knees while he fiddled with his hat. His eyes were fixed on his hat as he looked sad. But as he sat there, someone was sitting across from him. It was Raven. Raven was looking at the fire. Her weapon set against the log she was sitting on alongside her helmet which was on the ground. She looks up from the flames and notices Jackson's expression.

Raven: "You okay?" she asks.

Jackson snaps out of his daze and stops fiddling with his hat.

Jackson: "yeah, I'm fine." he said, clearly lying.

Raven: "Jack. You can tell me." she said, a hint of concern on her face and in her tone.

Jackson takes a deep breath before putting his hat down beside him while straightening his posture.

Jackson: "I saw Najenda again."

Raven: "Really? That's good right?" she asks.

Jackson: "It was. Until we had an argument."

Raven: "Well, all relationships have arguments. Even the best ones." she said. "Like me and Tai."

Jackson: "Yeah well, this isn't like a highschool love story, Rae. Najenda was pissed that I didn't stay with the growing rebellion." he explains. "But I couldn't just abandon my group.... they need me."

Raven just looked at him. She smiles slightly.

Raven: "I left Tai for my Tribe, they needed someone to lead them so I stepped up tp the plate. If I wasn't here, I would be with him." she admits. "But that time has passed and what's done is done. So I stay with the Tribe and try my best to oppose Union."

Jackson: "Yeah well, I could've stayed with her. Had a happy life for once, but I ruined it. I just... couldn't leave the Outlaws, and if I even aligned them with the CRS, it would draw to much attention and put my groups non combatants in danger, something I don't want!" he said, rambling on, getting a little angry.

He realized and calmed down.

Jackson: "Sorry." he said, looking down at the ground as he put his arms back on his knees.

He heard Raven get up and walk over to him. He then sees her sit down next to him. He looked up at her and he saw a look of concern.

Raven: "Jack, you have nothing to apologize for. Making the choice you made was difficult. I should know, I had to choose between my Tribe and my family. Our choices are ours to make."

Jackson: "I know that, but Najenda she...." he says, but stops and sighs.

Raven gave him a questioning look before coming to a conclusion.

Raven: "You still love her, don't you?" she asks, cautiously.

Jackson was quiet but sighs softly before nodding his head.

Jackson: "I do. Even after all this time. I just.... I just wish I could make it up to her."

Raven smiled a little as she thought of something.

Raven: "You're normally the one giving advice, but now it's like I'm giving the advice." she said, humorously.

Jackson chuckles lightly.

Jackson: "heh, guess the tables have turned." he said, joking along with her.

Raven chuckles a little too. Jackson's smile remains but fades away a little as he thinks about Najenda. He reaches into his jackets pocket and looks for something. He pulls out a ring and looks at it. He fiddles with it before Raven takes notice. Jackson keeps his eyes locked onto it before he closes his fist around it.

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