CHAPTER 37-Cooperation

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(Y/n) walks into the main building of the Base to see Jackson, Daniel and Najenda. He was accompanied by Obi Wan and Luna. Nomad didn't want to be in the same room as a Separatist. (Y/n) understands his anger towards him. The Clone Wars wasn't that long ago. A Month at least. Some droids are expecting Clones to suddenly attack even though the War is over. However, the clone trooper isn't on his mind. There is something far more important that he should be worried about. The lives on Menagerie that need to be saved and taken far away from Union's grasp. He'll do everything he can to bring them to safety, he's seen far to many civilians harmed during the Clone Wars. He's always hated people who intentionally hurt Civilians. Wat Tambor, the Trandoshans, and more. He hated them all. Hell, he opted to let a Jedi leave just to piss off a Trandoshan leader because he felt like it.

But he definitely won't hesitate to kill them at a moment's notice. Though he truly believed in what the CIS fought for, he didn't appreciate the Corrupt corporate bastards that were in its inner circle. After all, he had plans to kill some of these corrupt figures after the War ended, they were a disgrace to what the CIS stood for. The ones who committed War Crimes answered him personally as he ensured that any senior officer under his command that committed a crime would be swiftly taken care of. Only Dooku could save them, yet he never did. (Y/n) has plenty of blood on his hands, some he knows was necessary and some he regrets to have spilled.

Though, he hopes that by helping to liberate Earth, he'll make amends with the things he's done on behalf of Count Dooku and Darth Sidious. He won't make the same mistakes that he made during the Clone Wars. He will never kneel before anyone EVER again. Everyone in the building hears a ringtone which confuses the non-Earth born humans. Jackson grabs his phone and answers the call.

Jackson: "Yeah?" he replies.

???(PHONE): "Jack, its me." a voice said.

Jackson: "Summer? Haven't heard from you since you got to the Separatist States?" he asks.

Najenda narrows her eyes at Jackson suspiciously. The gang leader noticed and got a little nervous.

Summer(PHONE): "Sorry. I've been instructed to keep outside communications to a minimum since the Launch of their new Intelligence Agency." she explains.

Jackson: "Have you heard from Thomas? He hasn't responded to me." he asks.

Summer(PHONE): "Thomas has been busy. Really busy. The Parliament is stressed with all the pressure Union's putting on them. Especially since they're trying to form their own Academy to train their own Heroes and Huntsmen. Something Union doesn't want to happen since they want a monopoly on the Empowered of the world. But it's not all dark and gloomy!" she explains.

Jackson: "oh yeah? How so?" he asks.

Summer(PHONE): "I'm helping to build a Militia! There is a lot of people who aren't scared to throw hands with Union Soldiers, though our numbers are small, these soldiers are mean fighters." she explains. "Anyways, sorry for going off on a tangent. I wanted to contact you because Thomas informed me that you asked for his help in getting someone named Ben Kenobi to Australia."

Jackson: "It's more than Kenobi now I'm afraid. I've been approached by a new Rebel Faction that apparently destroyed Fort Bingham and defeated Union Forces at Menagerie." he explains.

Summer(PHONE): "We've heard about the Attack on Menagerie, not the Fall of Bingham." she said, sounding utterly stunned.

Jackson: "Yeah well, the Rebel group's head honcho came to me in need of assistance. He wants to get the Civilians he rescued far away from Union and into Separatist State hands." he explains.

Summer(PHONE): "Really? Well, I'm sure the Militia would love to help! After all they're inching for battle. Fighting simple thugs and bandits became boring for them. Perhaps helping some Rebels extract civilians would cure their boredom." she said, seemingly agreeing to help.

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