CHAPTER 24-Battle of Bingham Part 2

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Above Fort Bingham was a large Air Fleet. 10 York Class Frigates, 4 Vegas Class Missile Cruisers, 2 Houston Class battle Cruisers and 1 Baltimore Class Destroyer. This fleet was under Marvin Turner's direct command. The 17 Airship strong fleet defended Bingham from any aerial attack, and right now it's preparing for the enemy air fleet coming its way. The fleet was in a defensive formation as the Baltimore class destroyer named The Invincible was in the middle of the fleet while the York Class Frigates were in front of the fleet. The 2 Houston class battle cruisers were on The Invincible's flanks as the Vegas Missile cruisers were behind the York class frigates.

The Invincible was the command ship of this fleet and Marvin's personal airship. It earned its name for surviving many battlefields. Especially against Separatist State backed Uprisings in Europe which was Marvin's previous station before being transferred to General Ironwood and being put in charge of Fort Bingham. With Marvin on the ground, the ship fell under the command of Captain Kiefer Holbach. Kiefer was selected by Marvin due to his expertise in defense tactics and 19 years of combat experience. Kiefer is a gifted Captain who takes every battle as if it's the last battle of a War.

His recent mission to defend Bingham made him believe Union was at war. Which it was. Kiefer sat in the captain's chair within the Command Ship as he had several consoles around him and a hologram showing him the fleet. Behind him in the center of the bridge was a holographic projection table. The captain presses a button on the chair and brings up a hologram of the Fleet. As he looks at it, he is contacted by Marvin whose hologram replaces the fleets.

Marvin(Hologram): "Captain Holbach, status." he asks.

Kiefer: "The Fleet is battle ready commander. When that enemy fleet arrives, they won't know what hit them." he said.

Marvin(Hologram): "Make no mistake, Kiefer. These Rebels organized themselves and managed to breach the Fortresses security to destroy our AA Guns targeting systems. If they manage this, I dread what else they could accomplish. Destroy that fleet and crush these Rebels!" he orders.

Kiefer: "By your command." he said with a nod before the hologram went away.

Crew1: "Captain! Enemy air fleet has entered view." she reports.

Kiefer looks out the front windows and, in the distance, he sees the 3 Munificent class Star Frigates. The Bold, The Risk and The Salvation. He also sees the swarm of Droid Fighters, Bombers and White Fang Bullheads alongside the ships.

Kiefer: "tell the missile ships to open fire. Scatter the fleet and make them break formation." he orders. Meanwhile outside, the Missile cruisers lock onto the incoming Droid Fleet before firing a volley of missiles towards them. A total of 12 missiles sped towards the fleet.

Onboard the Salvation, Altus sees the missiles coming towards the fleet but isn't worried. He has a way to deal with them in the form of Vulture Fighters. As the missiles approached, the droid fighters positioned themselves and opened fire upon the missiles. They succeed in blowing up the missiles before they touch the fleet. One gets past the barrage and hits The Bold but the shields tank it. As the smoke dissipates, the fleet passes through it.

On the bridge of The Invincible, Kiefer is surprised by this action. He shakes off his shock as he prepares for the enemy counterattack. The Droid Fleet continues its advance before Altus gives the word.

Altus: "All Fighters, Bombers and Gunships. Begin your assault." he orders.

Droid Fighters and Bombers alongside White Fang Bullheads break formation near the fleet and charge towards the United Forces Air Fleet. Kiefer sends his own fighters. F-22E's blast off towards their enemy alongside P37 Volkan Gunships. Both air forces continue their advance before both sides open fire as they engage in combat in the air.

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