CHAPTER 43-Always a Family

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After Hawks and Fumikage were taken away by Droids, Blake was escorted towards her family's mansion. As she passed through Menagerie, she saw more Droids and a large number of White Fang members all around the place. Kuo Kuana looks like a Military base. The only thing that's convincing her that it isn't is the civilians. The closer she got to her home, she saw more fortifications, manned by Droids who were in charge of defending the Chieftain. Menagerie Guards shared the posts with the droids and were getting along with the droids. They pass through a checkpoint that they didn't even need to check through. She is taken to the front steps leading up to the front door of her home. She was nervous, not because of the Droids or extra numbers of Guards, but because she hadn't seen her parents in years.

She betrayed them and JOINED Union Academy. Now she betrayed Union Academy and came running back to her parents. Will they even accept her? Will they have her arrested like Hawks and Fumikage? She's scared. She walked up the stairs and went to grab the knocker on the door. But the Guard on her right grabbed her wrist stopping her as they then used their fists to knock on the door. They knock three times in a code like fashion before it is opened by a familiar figure to Blake. Ilia. She spots Blake in front of her, and her eyes widen.

Ilia: "Blake?" she asks, in total shock seeing the one that betrayed them here.

Blake said nothing as her eyes were also wide open. Her cat ears soon flattened in shame as she looked away from Ilia. Ilia noticed the action but opened the door fully and let the guards bring her inside. She did hold an inner anger for Blake's betrayal. The cat Faunus is escorted past Ilia by the two Menagerie Guards and then through the house. As they walked the halls, Blake saw many Menagerie Guards passing them, mostly on patrol or just standing around on guard or talking amongst themselves. They eventually reach Ghira's office which is guarded by two Commando Droids that have been recolored.

These Commando Droids have a purple coat of paint followed by golden accents with the Menagerie emblem on their chest. These Droids were a part of a special unit named Ghira's Guard. These droids were ordered to stick around Ghira at all times no matter where he went. The Commando Droids turn their heads to look at the trio approaching them.

Menagerie Guard1: "We're here with the Chieftains daughter." she said.

The droid on the right nods silently, this silent nod was the confirmation they needed to enter the room. The left droid opens the door and holds it open for Blake to enter. The two Menagerie guards turned and walked away while Blake entered the room. Once inside, the droid closed the door and resumed its post. Inside the office were four Ghira's Guard Droids. Ghira himself was at his desk with a pair of glasses on. He was looking at various pieces of paper relating to the ongoing construction of CRS Headquarters in the mountains. His attention averts elsewhere when he takes notice of a new presence in the room. He looked up and was shocked to see Blake standing in his office. Standing up from his desk in pure shock, Ghira makes his way towards the daughter he hasn't seen in a long time.

Blake stood there, nervous and waiting. She was waiting for him to yell at her for abandoning the White Fang and the Faunus to join Union. As he got closer, she closed her eyes, waiting to be yelled at. Instead, she felt her father wrap his arms around her in a tight embrace. She was caught off guard and didn't return the gesture.

Ghira: "I'm so glad you're okay."

Blake: "your.... not mad?" she asks.

Ghira lets go of Blake.

Ghira: "Why would I be?" he asks.

Blake: "I betrayed you! I Betrayed everyone and joined Union!" she answers loudly.

Ghira: "Blake-"

Blake: "NO! I joined the people who subjugated our kind!"

Ghira: "And yet here you are!" he argues. "Recognizing your wrong doings and returning to Menagerie, is that the action of a traitor!?" he asks, a tad bit too loud.

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