CHAPTER 54-Council

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After meeting with Twilight, (Y/n) allowed the Militia to take the Prisoners of War. Esdeath was already in transit to the Reclaimer of Independence, but he had a plan. One the CRS was done with her, he would hand her over to the Separatist States. Killing her is only Mercy, having her suffer at the hands of the ones she's caused suffering to, is a far more fitting of a punishment in his opinion. But then again, she did nearly kill Luna. Twice. If he was being honest, he's never been more pissed off before. (Y/n) had called the high-ranking members of the CRS to meet in Ghira's office which had become their standard meeting point. The Fortress that (Y/n)'s forces were building was halted due to their Invasion of Bingham and scrambled defense of Menagerie. That and they lack the proper resources to build it.

At least they made good progress with what materials they had so far. While walking towards Ghira's house, (Y/n) felt a disturbance in the Force. The people following him noticed he stopped and stopped to look at him.

Jackson: "You, okay?" he asks.

(Y/n): "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a brief disturbance in the Force." he said.

Obi Wan: "Strange. I didn't feel anything." he said, looking at the Force User.

Jackson looked at Nomad who noticed and just shrugs his shoulders.

Nomad: "Don't look at me. I'm not a space wizard." he said in response to the gaze.

Twilight just looked confused. he just comes to the conclusion that (Y/n) and Obi Wan are among the Empowered population. Little does he know, they're not even FROM Earth. The group continues to advance towards the Chieftain's house. While they walked, Luna got curious and walked closer to her new father.

Luna: "Dad... what's a Disturbance in the Force?" she asks.

(Y/n): "Whenever something happens involving the force like a shift, we Force Users can sense it." he explains, a smile on his face.

He's still getting used to being a dad now. Summer looked between the two. Not realizing they were family. Well, they don't look alike so that's why she had no clue, cut her some slack.

Luna: "how come I didn't feel it?" she asks.

(Y/n): "Because your skills haven't been fully manifested. You aren't trained to use the Force like me and Obi Wan. Give it time and you'll start sensing them too." he explains.

This causes the young force user to look down in thought before looking back up at her father.

Luna: "Okay."

The group continues on their path. Going past the many White Fang Soldiers and Battle Droids in the city. Twilight takes notice of how militarized this Rebel Faction is. It reminds him of The Remnant, another Separatist backed Rebel movement that seemingly vanished years ago. The biggest difference is this one seems WAY more technologically advanced. Seeing this advanced tech, it raised some suspicions for Twilight who thought this was a bit suspicious. How the hell were these Rebels so advanced? A theory in his head began to form. Maybe this rebel group made a deal with some of the corporations of the globe. Many of these potential partners came to mind.

Galen Industries, Folger Robotics, Delta International Law Enforcement, and Spearhead Industries. Galen Industries is a Pro Separatist Corporation that is actually headquartered in the Separatist States. More specifically, Australia. Galen Industries are the main supplier of military gear, weapons, and vehicles for the Separatist States Military. Spearhead and Folger tend to be more of a Pro Union type of company like Apex Security & Research. The Schnee Dust Company on the other hand is slowly being phased out by the Union as the Company is outliving its usefulness.

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