CHAPTER 16-New Ally

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With the Battle of Menagerie over, (Y/n) and his forces returned to Kuo Kuana as a second Munificent arrived overhead. With two Munificent Frigates over Menagerie. Kuo Kuana sustained serious damage near the coast with many buildings in ruins or completely destroyed. The Menagerie Guard suffered losses and a small number of Droids were destroyed. Around 104 Menagerie Guards died while 1,780 Droids were destroyed, mostly by the air strikes that did a number on the Droids. The United Forces lost an entire Security Fleet alongside 1,400 Troops. Not counting the Soldiers that died in the Air Fleet's destruction. That would round up to around 4,500 Troops lost in the Air Fleet that (Y/n) destroyed. The total death count of UF Soldiers is 5,900 Troops while the Defenders lost only 1,884.

(Y/n) was surprised seeing the report but wasn't too surprised since he doubts the Airships were able to unload all their Troops. The Dropships being shot down by superior AA Guns and the Frigates being destroyed added up to a lot of deaths. They did take a lot of prisoners. One of which was Captain Tersa Amad who was being held captive on the Munificent (Y/n) was on. He will make sure he is transferred to the Lucrehulk in orbit when he returns. With the Battle over, he knew that the Revolution had begun.

But if he wants it to really begin, he needs the Separatist States that are locked in a Cold War with the Union. He needs them to rebuild the Droid Army and also fully go to War with Union. This Insurgency was just the first step. Phase 1 if you would. His plan had to be adjusted so Phase 1 is focused on unifying the Rebel Cells and showing the Separatist States that victory is possible. But this won't be an easy feat. That's why he's targeting Fort Bingham.

The Indestructible Fortress that stood the test of time and War. If he destroys it, it'll show the world that they are not invincible and reignite the hope that was lost all those years ago. Reigniting the spark of Rebellion across the world. His only worry is how the Union will respond.

{Far Way from Unity City, sometime later}

(let's see who can guess where Unity City is located)

Far from the Outskirts of Unity City is a town that houses The Outlaws and other Mercenaries. Jackson took Ben to this town as it's very friendly to him. This town wasn't very modern like the other towns across the world as it didn't have any skyscrapers and the roads weren't really occupied by a lot of cars. There were cars driving around. Outside of town is a base belonging to The Outlaws. The base was built out of an old Tavern.

It was expanded upon by Jackson's men and even given the area a large assortment of small cabins and campfire places. Outside the base was a place for horses that the Outlaws commonly used alongside a garage that had a few cars inside. Mainly off-road vehicles. There was also an outdoor section which held many cabins and campfires was full of Outlaw members. All chatting and having a good time. Inside the main building was Ben who was deep in thought. Ben Kenobi sat in the tavern area of the building and was by the bar just sitting down in thought. Jackson walked up and took off his hat before sitting down beside him. The Jedi looked at him.

Jackson: "Well, my contact informed me that it'll be a while before they can send transport to bring you to Australia. I have good friends there who will keep you safe." he said.

Ben: "Thank you." he said.

Jackson: "no problem. Really. Your not the first person I've helped get to safety." he said.

Ben: "Who was the first?" he asks.

Jackson: "a woman named Summer Rose." he said while reaching into his jackets pocket.

He felt something and pulled it out. He stopped when he saw it was a metal ring. He held it in his hand and fiddled with it before sighing in a somber like way.

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