CHAPTER 34-The Knight & The Soldier

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After a long explanation about the Clone Wars. Jackson sat at the bar counter in deep thought. Daniel had an expression that said, "I'm not surprised". They had mainly focused on Order 66 and the final year of the Clone Wars. Hearing that Chancellor Palpatine betrayed the Jedi and was secretly a Sith Lord who then forged an empire, Daniel wasn't surprised. People filled with evil will do whatever they want for power. So, it didn't surprise him that it happened this way. He's always been at odds with politicians and government officials. It's ironic since he used to be a police officer prior to joining Jackson and his band of misfits. Jackson, however, was thinking about the corruption of the Galactic Republic and how eerily similar it was to Union in its early days. The time before the forming of the 12 Districts which gave Union total power over their section of the globe. Union is like the Republic, only far more sinister and much more corrupt.

He's seen Union take many forms. Union Academy, United Forces, Union Intelligence Bureau, 12 Districts. Each is different but all serve the same government and goal. A goal that is absolutely false.

"Keep the Peace and maintain freedom"

Hypocritical as fuck. All it's used for is propaganda. A means of convincing the populace that they're the good guys. Union also drills a twisted perception of freedom into the minds of its citizens, which is why the powerless of the world are treated so horribly along with the Faunus. More ways to control their power and maintain it. That's why so many rebel groups exist. Most of them are powerless or people with powers trying to gain even more power by igniting flames of War and Rebellion. He's seen it again and again. Especially back when he still worked for Union's military. He was the one who personally put down rebel groups like the French Resistance and Mexican Liberation Front.

Nomad: "Now you know the story." he says.

Daniel shakes his head.

Jackson: "Corruption has many forms. Those who wish to hide it, and those who aren't ashamed of it." he says.

Obi Wan: "What do you plan to do now that the droids know where we are?" he asks.

Jackson: "Hoping they didn't spot the base." he said. "Scouts said it was above the town. Hopefully they'll think our base is an extension of it since it doesn't scream Military Base."

Nomad: "That's if the clankers aren't too angry you shot one of their probes." he comments with crossed arms.

Daniel: "If they come. Everyone in this base is armed to the teeth. We'll take em." he said, confidently.

Nomad: "These droids don't act like typical United Forces squads you've all faced in the past. These droids will overwhelm you and gun you all down." He argues with a hard glare at Daniel. "Let's just hope whoever's leading them is just another clanker. If not, we'll be in for one hell of a fight."

Daniel: "That's if one is even coming." he points out.

Nomad: "right."

Obi Wan: "Regardless. I feel like you should at least be cautious." he urges calmly.

Jackson: "Don't worry. I had Cassidy warn the others, considering she shot the damn thing down." he says.

Nomad: "How is Cassidy?" he asks.

Jackson looks at him.

Nomad: "Not that I'm worried or anything... just wondering." he defends.

Jackson raised a doubtful eyebrow as did Daniel. Obi Wan senses bullshit. Nomad notices the gazes he's getting.

Nomad: "I'm just wondering!" he defends.

Daniel: "Sure you are." he slyly comments.

Nomad: "Shut up cowboy!"

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