CHAPTER 10-The Hacker

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After some talking, Najenda managed to convince her friends in the Peace Faction to meet with Futaba. However, the place they were meeting at the club Najenda and Robyn met up many days ago. However, due to risks of Najenda being found—thanks to (Y/n)'s Raid on the train—(Y/n) had to go alone. But he did have a guide. Najenda gave him directions and did lead him into the City and pointed him in the right direction before departing. (Y/n) found his way to the Night Club and went inside. To help remain undercover, (Y/n) dawned different clothing. Just typical casual attire given to him by Najenda to help blend in.

Not a lot of security. That works in (Y/n)'s favor. Once fully inside the Night Club, he looked around for the people he was supposed to meet with. After some time, looking around, he notices someone waving him down. He walks over to them. The person was sitting in one of the side booths alongside Futaba. He recognized her since the Probe Droid had gotten a good look at her. He walked over to the duo and sat down in front of Futaba and the other person.

(Y/n): "Peace Faction?" he asks.

???: "Yes." they confirmed. "Would you happen to be this "Revolutionary Leader" that Najenda told us about?" they ask.

(Y/n): "I am. (Y/n) (L/n)." he introduced, as he held his hand out.

The person smiled softly and grabbed his hand, shaking it.

Toshinori: "I'm Toshinori Yagi or know publicly as All Might. This is Futaba Sakura." he introduced.

Futaba: "hey." she greets, a little shyly.

(Y/n): "Pleasure to meet the both of you." he said, resting his arms on his knees. "But I think it's best if we don't remain in the open like this for long." he said.

Toshinori: "Oh no need to worry. This Night Club is the safest place you can go if your Wanted by Union for speaking out against it. The Security of the place doesn't document whoever comes in and keeps their mouths shut." he explained. "That, and the Club's Owner Loyal to the Peace Faction."

(Y/n): "Who's the Owner?" he asks.

Futaba: "Isaac Baltimore." she said.

(Y/n) looked at her.

Futaba: "Isaac Baltimore is the owner of this Night Club. He's also a well-known member of the criminal underworld. He's been feeding us information on all Criminals and Bandits. He basically runs the Black Market. Especially Black-Market Arms Deals. He's the reason so many Rebel groups are so well armed. His associate Roman Torchwick has been helping as well." she explained. "But Isaac is also the head of The Baltimore Mafia."

(Y/n): "quite the busy guy." he said, shocked at how many things the dude is in charge of.

Toshinori: "He's a good man. Union's been trying to bring him in, but I've been stopping them. I told Union that he's working for me to help me know more about new Villains that pop up. Not surprisingly, the Union believed me since I'm the Symbol of Peace. So, I've been saving Izzac's hide for years." he explained with a smile.

(Y/n): "Good to know."

Toshinori: "Najenda did mention you wanted to form an Alliance with us." he said.

(Y/n): "I just need help gathering intel on Fort Bingham." he said.

Toshinori and Futaba's eyes widen.

Futaba: "Why?" she asks.

(Y/n) looked around before leaning closer.

(Y/n): "I'm planning to dismantle union's slave operations, and that Mine just so happened to be in my sights." he explained, casually.

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