CHAPTER 36-The Outlaw Base

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After calming the tensions down, The Outlaws went back to their normal daily routine. They did keep their weapons in hand as most of them didn't trust the new comers. Especially since they were just in a standoff with them. Obi Wan went after Nomad who stormed off after the encounter, clearly displeased and he wants to know why. He could just assume that it's because of the War, but it could also be because of (Y/n)'s past allegiance. He finds Nomad at one of the lit fires in the bases with his helmet on his lap. No one else was sitting with him as he probably wanted to be left alone. Obi Wan walked over to him and sat down beside the clone.

Nomad: "General." he greets dryly.

Obi Wan: "I'm not a general anymore, Nomad." he corrects. "The war is over."

Nomad: "Is it? We still got a bunch of clankers." he shoots back.

Obi Wan: "You don't like, (Y/n). Do you have history?" he asks.

Nomad: "We do." he replied dryly. "Ever since Geonosis, my brothers and I had many run ins with him. He barely survived them. But the battle that did it was the Battle of Endor. Me and my men made a blind jump that brought us to that planet. But the Fleet of Absolute Resilience followed us. The Separatist bombarded our ships until we made an emergency landing on Endor. We were outnumbered and outgunned. We were forced to survive for weeks without any contact or hope that the Republic would send reinforcements. Day by day, I watched as my brothers fell to the Droid kill squads sent by Admiral (L/n). After a month or so, I managed to secure a Y-Wing bomber from the wreckage of a Venator and made my escape. However, I once again made a blind jump and arrived here. On Earth. My ship crashed and I blacked out. Only to awaken inside this base. Some time passes, and now your telling me we lost." he explains bitterly.

Obi Wan: "Could you have fixed your ship?" he asks.

Nomad: "Nope. Damaged beyond repair. It's a miracle I survived. But I have the Outlaws to thank for that one." he said.

Obi Wan: "That didn't tell me why you hate (Y/n)."

Nomad: "I hate him because he killed thousands of my brothers, helped in the attack on Kamnio, led those damn droids, and it's because of him that I'm stuck here!" he shouts angrily. "If I had the choice I would've rejoined the fight! I would've helped my brothers! But now, thanks to him I failed! My brothers are now slaves to an Empire because of HIM!"

Obi Wan: "There wasn't much you could've done, Nomad." he said, sympathetically.

Nomad: "Bullshit! I could've avenged my brothers!" he declared angrily.

Obi Wan: "Yet you would've fallen to Order 66." he retorts sternly. "If Cody followed through, you would've as well."

Nomad had no words. Though if he thinks about it, the Outlaws did remove something from his head. Wait a second.

Nomad: "Did the clones who executed this order have something in their head?" he asks.

Obi Wan raised an eyebrow.

Obi Wan: "I vaguely remember Anakin and Rex saying something about that after Fives died." he replies. "Why?"

Nomad: "When I was rescued by the Outlaws. They told me that I had some kind of chip in my head. I'm willing to bet that that chip was an inhibiter chip." he said/theorizes.

Obi Wan grabbed his chin in thought.

Obi Wan: "that would explain why Cody went along with the Order." he mumbles. "Yours was removed?"

Nomad: "Yes. The Outlaws even showed me what it looked like."

Obi Wan nods slightly. At least he knows he won't have to worry about Nomad suddenly executing Order 66. He was about to start a new conversation about the temporary alliance with (Y/n), but Nomad is tackled to the ground by Sasha who surprised attacked him. A heartfelt chuckle escapes the clone's lips as he sits up off the ground with Sasha sitting in his lap victoriously.

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