CHAPTER 56-Calm Before the Storm

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Deep within the forests of Mistral were two Osprey's that had landed. The moon was slowly rising into the sky above them as small bonfires where lit. Remnant Soldiers kept their eyes on the skies, and some looked around the forest around them for the United Forces, Grimm or Danger Beasts. Two Bonfire groups sat in between the Osprey's that had all doors and entranceways open. Off to the side was Dolion. He was sitting up against a tree in deep thought. He was trying to come to terms with what he had done. He betrayed his Nation, his friend and his Father. He betrayed everyone. Did he make the right choice? He honestly cannot tell.

He looked over at the many Rebels who survived the attack and saw them socializing amongst each other. Some were receiving medical aid by the only Medic that was with them. He didn't sit by any of them because he knew he didn't belong with them. After all, he literally JUST deserted from the United Forces. He rests his arms on his knees as he looks down in thought. What was he going to do now? He heard someone walking towards him, so he looked up and saw Sarah in front of him.

Sarah: "Tyler wants to talk to you." she said.

Dolion: "why?" he asks.

Sarah: "To know what to do with you." she said, shrugging her shoulders casually.

This casual nature drains away as she noticed Dolion's expression.

Sarah: "you, okay?" she asks.

Dolion: "no. I just betrayed my Nation. My best friend and my own dad. I'm beyond okay!" he said, raising his voice a little.

Sarah didn't seem phased or effect by this outburst. Dolion realized he raised his voice and calmed down.

Dolion: "Sorry."

Sarah: "No need, I understand. Just take your time, Tyler can wait. He'll understand if you need some time to yourself." she said, before slowly turning and walking off.

A question pops into his mind.

Dolion: "Why me?"

Sarah stops and turns to him. She gave him a questioning look.

Dolion: "Why tell me the truth? Why not Ervar?" he asks.

Sarah: "Ask Tyler. He should know why." she said, sounding confused by the answer.

In truth, she didn't know why Dolion was specifically chosen to be shown the truth. Maybe it's his sense of Choice. Most UF Soldiers don't have that since they're blinded by the propaganda and the possibility of Glory for fighting as a Soldier in Union's army. She also knows that some of the soldiers were once Powerless citizens but were kidnaped and brainwashed to be loyal soldiers in the military. This is often the fate of some Villagers that survive the genocides.

Dolion: "Who exactly is Tyler?" he asks.

Sarah: "Tyler is one of the Remnant's only Commanders. Our numbers have been dwindling over the years thanks to the UIB and their Commandos." she said. "Tyler was once a UIB Commando before he joined the Remnant, so you can imagine how that encounter went."

Dolion's eyes widened. Tyler was a COMMANDO!? Commandos are some of the most skilled warriors in the entire country. There aren't many of them because they're handpicked by the UIB's director... who's his father. His shock turned to sadness as he realized. He betrayed his Father. Sarah noticed his sudden depression and walked back towards him and sat down next to him.

Sarah: "What's wrong?" she asks.

Dolion: "My dad. He's the only family I have left, and I betrayed him." he said, somberly.

Sarah gains a sympathetic expression. She looks at the ground while sitting next to Dolion.

Sarah: "I see." she mumbles. "You're not alone in that, by the way."

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